Chapter One

  1. What is Anatomy and Physiology?
    • * Anatomy is the study of structures and organizations of body parts.
    • * Physiology is the study of functions of body parts
  2. Types of Anatomy
    • * Gross (macroscopic) is the study of the large body structures visible to the naked eye
    • * Microscopic is the study of the body structures that are seen with a microscope
  3. What do cells need to survive?
    • * Water Most abundant chemical in the body
    • * Food Used as a source of energy
    • * Oxygen To drive metabolic process
    • * Heat Determines rate of reactions
    • * Pressure Force that allow the exchange of gases (Vital signs)
  4. How can the body determine what it needs?
    • * Quality V. quantity
    • * Homeostasis
    • o Control of the internal environment
  5. Components of Control systems to maintain Homeostasis
    • Receptors
    • Provide information about specific conditions
    • Control center
    • [Set points] tells what a particular value should be
    • Effectors
    • Respond to restore the deviation from the set values of the internal environment
  6. Organ Systems
    • * Integumentary system
    • * Skeletal system
    • * Muscular system
    • * Nervous system
    • * Endocrine system
    • * Cardiovascular system
    • * Lymphatic system
    • * Respiratory system
    • * Digestive system
    • * Urinary system
    • * Reproductive system
  7. Temperature Control
    Negative Feedback mechanism
  8. Skeletal system
    • * Protects and supports the underlying organs
    • * Serves as muscle attachment
    • * Blood cell formation
    • * Storage of minerals
  9. Muscular system
    • * Allows manipulation of environment
    • * Locomotion
    • * Facial expression
    • * Maintains posture
    • * Produces heat
  10. Nervous system
    • * Fast-acting control system
    • * Responds to internal and external changes
  11. Endocine System
    • * Made of many glands that secrete hormones to regulate:
    • o Growth
    • o Reproduction
    • o Nutrient use
  12. Lymphatic system/ Immunity
    • * Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels
    • * Disposes of debris in the Lymphatic system
    • * Houses white blood cells (Lymphocytes)
    • * Mounts attack against foreign substances
  13. Respiratory system
    • * Keeps blood supplied with oxygen
    • * Removes carbon dioxide
    • * Gas exchange occurs through walls of air sacs in the lung
  14. Urinary system
    • * Eliminates nitrogenous wastes
    • * Regulates water, electrolytes, and acid-base balance
  15. Male Reproductive system
    • * Overall function is to produce offspring
    • * Testes produce sperm and male sex hormones
  16. Female Reproductive System
    • * Overall function is to produce offspring
    • * Ovaries produce eggs and female sex hormones
    • * Mammary glands produce milk
  17. Levels of Organization
    Atoms, molecules, macromolecules, organelles cells, tissues, organs, organ system, organism
  18. Digestive system
    • * Breaks down food into absorbable units
    • * Indigestible foodstuff are eliminated as feces
  19. Cardiovascular System
    • * Blood vessels transport blood
    • o Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide
    • o Carries nutrients and wastes
    • * Heart pumps blood
  20. Integumentary system
    • * Forms the skin
    • * Protects underlying organs
    • * Production of Vitamin D
    • * Location of cutaneous receptors
Card Set
Chapter One
Bio 100