MA 201 Body Structure

  1. Roentgen Rays
    • X-Rays
    • High energy electromagnetic radiation produced by the collision of electrons with a metal target in x-ray tube
  2. Bone Studies
    • Do not require preparation
    • Tumors, fractures, disorders, diseases, chest x-rays
  3. Theraputic Radiation
    Used in treatment of cancer
  4. Chest X-Ray Positions
    • 1. Postereoanterior (PA) - from posterior to anterior (face wall)
    • 2. Anteroposterior (AP) - from anterior to posterior (face x-ray)
    • 3. Lateral (Lat) - arms over head, shoulder to wall
    • 4. Left Posterior Oblique (LPO) - left elbow up, left hand on neck, 45deg back to wall, left side closest to wall
  5. Upper GI Series (Barium Swallow)
    • Must drink contrast medium during exam, radiologist observes flow directly with fluoroscope
    • Observes esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine
  6. Lower GI Series (Barium Enema)
    Enema with air contrast and barium will distend the colon to make structures more visible
  7. Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)
    • IV of iodine - contrast medium to define urinary system
    • Must verify no allergies to iodine
  8. Retrograde Pyelogram
    • Study urinary tract by inserting sterile catheter into meatus, through bladder and up into kidneys
    • Radiopaque flows up into kidneys
  9. Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder (KUB)
    • X-Ray of abdomen - Flat Plate of Abdomen
    • Disease and Disorders
    • Used to find position of IUD
  10. Mammography
    • Aids in detection of breast cancer
    • Omit caffeine
    • Compression of breast requires less radiation
  11. Radiolucent
    See through (lungs) - Transparent
  12. Radiopaque
    • Solid (bone)
    • Take medium to make solid for viewing
  13. Body Scans
    • Computer Transaxial Tomography (CAT, CT)
    • Single tissue planes slices 1cm thick
  14. CAT Scan Sagittal
    Slices from head to toe
  15. CAT Scan Transverse
    Slices across body
  16. CAT Scan Coronal
    Slices from front to back
Card Set
MA 201 Body Structure
Chapter 16 Unit 4