Simple Columnar Epithelium
- Elongated cells
- Nuclei location at the same level
- Can be ciliated or no ciliated
- Non ciliated found in uterus and digestive tract
- Secretion and absorption
- Have microvilli to increase surface area
- Have goblet cells scattered in between them
Simple cuboidal epithelium
- Cube shaped cells
- Covers the ovaries and found in the kidneys & ducts of glands
- Secretion and absorption
- Specialized cells that change shape is response to tension
- Found in the bladder, the ureter, and part of the urethra
- Could be un-stretched or stretched
- Cuboidal when contracted
- Expandable lining
- Prevents the contents of the urinary tract from diffusing back
- Longitude section
- Common for passage of molecules through diffusion
- Found in lungs and blood capillaries
- Covers membrane of body cavities
- Found throughout the body
- Cover the body, organs, and lines hollow cavities(inside any organ with hollow i.e. nose, mouth)
- Protection (physical damage, sun,)
- [Allow movement of substance]
- Absorption (taking into the blood)
- Filtration
- Secretion (releasing something)
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
- Appears stratified
- Commonly have cilia
- Has Goblet cells embedded within
- Lines the passage way of the respiratory system
Stratified squamous epithelium
- Cells divideed in deep layer
- Cells are pushed upward
- Top cells are flatter
- Found in the skin and become keratinized
- Lines oral cavity, esophagus, vagina, and anal canal (no keratin)
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
- Multiple layer of cells
- Basal layer is cuboidal
- Found in male urethra, vas deferens, and pharynx
- [most rare]
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
- Made of two or three layers
- Found in mammary, sweat, and salivary glands, and pancreas
- Also found in ovarian follicle amd seminferous tubules
- [very rare]
- Made of groups of cells
- Four major tissues
- Epithelial for protection
- Connective for support
- Muscular for movement
- Nervous for control
How are Epithelial cells classified
- Number of cell layers
- Simple-One layer
- Stratified-Multiple layer
- Shape
- Squamous-Flat shape
- Cuboidal-Cube shape
- Columnar-Column shape
Characteristic of Epithelial
- Anchored to connective tissue known as the basement membrane
- Lack blood vessels
- Constantly divide
- Tightly packed
Connective tissue Charateristic
- Cells are further apart from each other
- Have extracellular matrix (space in between cells)
- Have high vascularization (lots of blood vessels)
- Vary being rigid (bones) or flexiable (adipose)
- Adiposcytes store fat
- Underneath skin, in between muscles, around kidneys, behind eye balls
- Cushions joints and organs
- Acts as an insulator
- Stores energy
- Bone connective tissue
- Most rigid
- Contains lots of calcium, phosphate, and calcium carbonate
- Collagen fibers
- Protects vital organs
- Contains red bone marrow which forms bloos cells.
- Osteocytes
Hyaline Cartilage Connective tissue
- Fine collagen fibers
- Located on
- End of long bones
- Nose
- Rings of trachea
- Iportant in boone growth
- [Glassy, very thin; always comes in 2s]
Loose connective tissue (Areolar)
- Forms thin membranes
- Contains many fibroblasts
- Binds the skin to underlying organs
- Found under epithelium cells
Cartilage connective tissue
- Provides support
- Protects underlying tissues
- Chondrocytes are found in the lacunae
- Matrix
- Vascularized perichondrium covering provide chondrocytes withnutrients
- Heals slowly
- Hyline, elastic, and Firbrocartilage
Categories of connective tissue
- Connective tissue proper
- Loose, Adipose, Dense
- Specialize connective tissue
- Cartilage, Bone , blood
- Cells have the ability to contract and produce force
- Three major types
- Skeletal
- Smooth
- Cardiac
- Will be discussed in chapter 8
Elastic Cartilage connective tissue
- Contains lots of elastic fibers
- More flexible than hyaline
- Found in ear and larynx
- [thick matrix]
- Transports material to and from cells
- Maintains stable internal enviroment
- Composed of formed elements and plasma
- Originates from bone marrow
Connective tissue function
- Supports
- Protection
- Store fat
- Produce blood
- Protect against indection
- Repair damage
- Voluntary muscles
- Alternating light and dark bands called striations
- Multi-nucleated
- Innervated by nervous tissue
- Allows us to move and make facial expressions, chew, swallow breath, etc.
- Made of many collagen fibers
- Few fibroblasts
- Provides strength
- Found in tendons and ligaments
- Poor vascularization
Types of Cells found in connective tissue
Fixed cells: stay for long period of time
- Wandering: move through Fibroblasts (fiber)
- Fixed: star shaped cells
- Produced fibers into the matrix (collagen, elastic, and rectangular)
- [part of immune system]
- Macrophages
- White blood cells
- Phagocytes
- Mast cells
- Located near blood vessels
- Release heparin and histamine
Fibrocatilage connective tissue
- Very tough
- Abundant amount of collegen fibers
- Shock absorbent
- Intervertebral disk, knee, and pelvic girdle
- No striations
- Involuntary
- Cells are shorter than skeletal muscles
- Single central nucleus
- Found around hollow organs
- Found in the heart only
- Cells are striated and branched
- Singled nucleus
- Cells have special connection known as intercalated disc
- Involuntary
- Found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
- Two types of cells:
- Neuruons--communication
- Neuroglial--support
- Neurons transmit nerve impulse
- Neurons communicate with each other and with muscle cells
- Regulate, integrate, and coordinate movements