
  1. nose
    air enters the respiratory tract through the nose. the air is filtered moistened and warmed as it enters the two nasal openinga and travels to the nasal cavity. the nasal septum seperated the nares this entire area is lined with mucouse membrane which is vasucalr
  2. mucouse membrane
    provies warmth and moisture secretes 1 L of moisture everyday
  3. turbinates/conchache
    lateral to the nasal cavities are three scroll like bones which cause the air to move over a larger surface area.
  4. paranasal sinus
    communicate with the nasal structure they are hollow areas that make the skull lighter and ae belived to give resonancde to the voice. they are lined with mucous membrane that are continouse with the nasal cavity
  5. mucosa of the nasal cavities
    receptors for the sence of smell. they are the nerve endings of the olfactory nerve. the first cranial nerve the nasolacrimal ducts communicate with the upper nasal chamber
  6. pharynx (throat)
    the passageway for both air and food
  7. Eustachian tubes
    enter either side of the nasopharyxn connecting it to the middle ear
  8. adenoids
    located in the nasopharynx whereas the palatine tonisls are in the oropharynx
    is supported by none areas of cartilage and connects the pahrynx with the trachea.the larynx contains the vocal cords during expiration air rushes over the vocal cords causing them to vibrate
  10. trachea
    divides the right and left bronchi. the rntire structire is lined with mmucous membrane and tiny cilia which produce motion or current in a fluid that sweep dust or debris upward toward the nasal cavity
  11. lower respi tract
    bronchial tree
    the large bronchi continue to divide into smaller structure called bronchioles. these structures divides into smaller tubelike structures called terminal bronchioles all these structures are lined with ciliated mucous membranes as is the trachea
  12. the end structure of the bronchial tree
  13. alveoli
    gas exchange take place. diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs
  14. lungs
    the lungs are large paired spongy cone shaped organs.the right lung weighs approximmately 625 g and the left lung weights 570 g
  15. right lung
    contains three lobes
  16. left lung
    contains 2 lobes located approximately 1 inch above the first rib is the narrow part of each lung
  17. visceral pleura
    the surface of each lung is covered with THIN moist serous membrane
  18. parietal pleura
    the walls of the thoracis cavity are covered with the same type of membrane
  19. visceral and parietal
    produce a serous secretion which allows the lung to slide over the walls of the thorax while breathing
  20. pleural effusion
    the body produces exact amount of serous secreetions needed if to much is produced fluid accumulates in the pleural space the pleural space becomes distended and puts pressure on the lung making it difficult to breath
Card Set
anatomy and physiology