Literary Heritage

  1. Total Omniscience
    Point of view in which the narrator knows everything, generally written in the third person.
  2. Limited Omniscience
    Point of view in which the narrator sees into the minds of some characters but not others. Ususally through the eyes of one character.
  3. Impartial Omniscience
    Point of view where a character presents the story but does not pass judgements.
  4. Editorial Omniscience
    Point of view of characters where narrator knows all thoughts but goes beyond this to make a personal judgement of the characters.
  5. Objective Point of View
    narrator reports dialogue and actions with no access to the characters' minds.
  6. Omnisicient Narrator
    Moves freely through the conscience of all characters
  7. First-person Narrator
    Character in a story who is involved in the action
  8. Observer
    Character in the story who is not involved in the action
  9. Third-person narrator
    Does not appear in the story but is capable of revealing thoughts of the characters
  10. Innocent/Naive narrator
    narrator who fails to understand the implications of the story they are telling
  11. Unreliable narrator
    narrator whe tells the story in a subjective or distorted way
  12. Interior Monologue
    extended presentation of a character's thoughts; as if the character is thinking to himself aloud and the reader can hear.
  13. Stream of Consciousness
    The use of various literary devices to duplicate the subjective and assoiative nature of human consciousness.
  14. Characterization
    techniques a writer uses to crate, reveal, or develop characters
  15. Character Description
    Author overtly gives physical or mental traits of a character; usually to show what is lurking beneath the surface of a character.
  16. Character developement
    a character is introduced, developed, and possibly trnsformed
  17. character motivation
    what a character wants
  18. Flat Character
    character with only one outstanding trait
  19. Round Character
    Complex character presented in depth; usually change throughout a story.
  20. Stock Character
    Steriotypical character
  21. Setting
    Time and place of a story. Also includes weather etc.
  22. Locale
    Where the story takes place
  23. Atmosphere
    Dominant mood or feeling throughout story
  24. Regionalism
    representation of a specific locale that uses the details of the locale to influence the story
  25. Naturalism
    Characters presented as victims and outcomes of environment and herredity.
  26. Tone
    Attitude toward the subject of a story conveyed by the sum of various literary stylistic devices.
  27. Style
    the distinctive way an author uses language .
  28. Diction
    Word choice or vocabulary
  29. Irony
    writer says one thing but says another; a discrepancy of meaning is masked beneath the surface of the language.
  30. Dramatic Irony
    the reader understands the meaning of a situation even though the character may not yet.
  31. Cosmic Irony
    a type of situational irony where the discreancy lies in what a character deserves and what they get
  32. Verbal Irony
    writer says the opposite of what is meant
  33. Sarcasm
    form of irony where the comment is meant to mock its target
  34. Summary
    breif, undetailed telling of main idea or plot of story
  35. Theme
    Main idea or larger meaning of story
  36. Symbol
    person, place, or thing that suggests meaning beyond its literal sense.
  37. Conventional symbol
    symbol that has common meaning for most readers.

    ex. - black cats = bad luck
  38. Symbolic Act
    action that goes well beyond its literal meaning
  39. Allegory
    has two levels of meaning; a literal level and a symbolic level, which parallel each other.
  40. Paradigm Shift
    A sudden and powerful change in perspective or way you look at world or situation.
  41. Parable
    Uses humans to teach a moral but does not directly state the moral

    ex. - prodigal son
  42. Fable
    Brief story that uses animals to teach a moral and represent characteristics. Directly states a moral.

    ex. - sun and the wind > persuasion better than force
  43. Epiphany
    A sudden realization profound enough to change the person
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Literary Heritage
Literary Heritage Terms