2. All sensory info is picked up in the Central Nervous Sys
  3. It is the Cerebellum tht actually allows a person 2 be aware of sensory stimulaton.
  4. Effectors of the nervous sys incl the lungs.
  5. Neurons R not able 2 divide. T/F
  6. Membrane potential exists when the membrane is depolarized.
  7. When a Neuron is @ rest, the outside of its Membrane is positively charged. T/F
  8. A nerve impulse is the flow of electrical current along the Axon membrane. T/F
  9. A nerve impulse is the flow of electrolytes along an Axon membrane. T/F
  10. After an impulse has passed along an axon, the axon retruns 2 the repolarized state. T/F
  11. As long as an Axon is repolarized it can't conduct another impulse. T/F
  12. The tissues of the Central Nervous sys {CNS}R so delicate tht they mst B protected by the blood brain barrier. T/F
    • *TRUE*
  13. The tissues of the CNS R so delicate tht they must b protected by the Foramen Magnum. T/F
  14. The central canal of the Spinal cord contains blood vessels.
  15. The central canal of the spinal cord contains cerebrospoinal fluid. T/F
  16. The Cerebral Cortex stores memories. T/F
  17. The Ventricles R cavities found on the surface of the brain
  18. Vital functins R regulated by the Thalamus
  19. The Diencephalon contains the ventricles.
  20. The hypothalmus maintains homeostasis?
  21. The Hypothalmus regulates heart rate & blood press. T/F
  22. When teaching pt's how 2 avaoid brian & spinal cord injuries u will recommend tht they completely stop consuming alcohol. T/F
  23. A person is 20% more likely 2 b brain injured if they bike w/out a helmet than if they wear one.

    - 85% would mke the sent TRUE
  24. The Peripheral Nervous sys is part of teh CNS
  25. There are 16 pairs of Cranial Nerves. T/F
  26. Ganglia r collections of Neruon Cell bodies.
  27. Most headaches can b treated effectively w/over the counter drugs.
  28. Medical TX should be sought 4 all headaches.
  30. Which of the these Electrolytes plays an imp role in the generation of nerve impulses???
    • a. Calcium
    • b. Potassium
    • c. Phosphate
    • d. Magnesium
  31. N.e. thing tht inflames the CNS will cause:
    • a. Pain
    • b. The blood~brain barrier 2 become more permeable.
    • c. Motor tremors
    • d. Abnormal Respirations
  32. The spinal cord ends @ which vertebral level?
    • a. 1st Lumbar
    • b. 1st Sacral
    • c. 12th Thoracic
    • d. Coccyx
  33. The cervical enlargement of the spinal cord cont's:
    • a. A Viscous liquid
    • b. Sensory Neurons
    • c. Motor Neurons
    • d. Muscle Fibers
  34. A person can consciously inhibit a reflex bec:
    • a. The reflex occurs exclusively in the spinal cord
    • b. all bdy responses r under voluntary control
    • c. The impulse goes 2 the Crebral Cortex
    • d. Repolarization occurs in an upward direction

  35. A young woman who has compliained of tingling in her fingers & toes is dx'd w/Raynaud's disease. Her Dr. has scheduled her 4 a Regional Sympathectomy. She asks u wht good this will do her. Your best response is:
    • a. U should ask your doctor 2 explain it 2 u
    • b. It will interfere w/impulses frm nerves tht cause blood vessels 2 constrict.
    • c. If u dn't have this done u may have 2 hvesme of your fingers amputated in the future.
    • d. this a trial surgery. The outcome is not knwn 4 sure
  36. Cell Body:
    *Contains Mitochondria

    *Produces Protein & Energy
  37. Axon:
    *Extend far away frm the cell bdy

    * Branches near the cell bdy
  38. Dendrites:
    *Send info away frm the cell bdy
  39. Schwann Cells:
    *Insulates the Axon
  40. Sensory Neurons:
    • *Afferent Neurons
    • *Pick up info frm receptors @ the tips of their Dendrites
  41. InterNeurons:
    *Decision makers of the Nervous Sys

    *Found only in the CNS
  42. Motor Neurons
    *Efferent Neurons

    *Carries impulses 2 the peripheral Nervous sys

    *Stimulates glands 2 secrete
  43. Synaptic Knob:
    *The endo of Axon Branches

    *Contacts Dendrites, Cell Bodies & Axons
  44. Neurotransmitter:
    *Cause Muscles 2 contract or Relax

    *Casuse glands 2 Secrete

    *Inhibits Neurons from sending impulses
  45. Meninges:

    *Layers of Membranes the cover the CNS*
    *All 3 Membrane layers
  46. Dura Mater:

    *Layers of Membranes tht cover the CNS*
    • *Toughest Layer
  47. Pia Mater:

    *Layers of Membranes tht cover the CNS*
    • *Inner Most Layer
    • *Holds blood vessels 2 the surface of the brain
  48. Arachnoid Mater:

    *Layers of Membranes tht cover the CNS*
    • *Middle Membrane Layer
    • *Like a spider web
  49. SubArachnoid Space:

    *Layers of Membranes tht cover the CNS*
    *Contains Cerebral Spinal Fluid*
  50. GRAY:

    *The Spinal Cord is made up of Gray Matter. *
    • *Inner part of the Spinal Cord*
    • * Cont's Neuron Cell Bodies*
    • *Cont's Dendrites*
    • *Divisions R called Horns*
    • *Divisions r called Columns*
  51. WHITE:

    *The Spinal Cord is made up of Gray Matter*
    *Outer prt of the Spinal Cord

    *Contains Myelinated Axons
  52. Ascending Track:

    *Structure/Functions of the Spinal Cord*
    *Carries Sensory info 2 the Brain*
  53. Descending Track:

    *Structure/Functions of the Spinal Cord*
    *Carries Motor info frm the Brain 2 the Muscles & Glands*
  54. Reflex Arc:

    *Structure/Functions of the Spinal Cord*
    *Can cause a motor response w/out gett'n info frm the brain*
  55. Reflex:

    *Structure/Functions of the Spinal Cord*
    *An Automatic Response 2 a Stimuli*
  56. Cerebrum:

    *Parts of the Brain*
    • *Largest Part of the Brain*
    • *Is Divided in/2 2 halves*
  57. Corpus Collosum

    *Parts of the Brain*
    *Corpus Collosum*
  58. Gyri:

    *Parts of the Brain*
    *Brain Material in bet the Sulci*
  59. Longitudinal Fissure:

    *Parts of the Brain*
    *The Groove bet. the 2 Hemispheres*
  60. Frontal:

    *Lobes of the Brain*
    *Controls Motor Activity*
  61. Parietal:

    *Lobes of the Brain*
    *Interprets Sensations felt In or On the Bdy*
  62. Temporal:

    *Lobes of the Brain*
    *Interprets Auditory Stimuli*
  63. Occipital:

    *Lobes of the Brain*
    *Interprets Visual Stimuli*
  64. Cerebrum:

    *Parts of the Brain*
    *Largest prt of the brain*
  65. Brain Stem:

    *Parts of the brain (2)*
    *Connects the Cerebrum 2 the Spinal Cord*
  66. Cerebellum:

    *Parts of the brain (2)*
    • *Coordinates Complex Skeletal Muscle Contractions*
    • *Located behind the pons & Medulla Oblongata*
    • *Coordinates fine movements*
  67. Pons:

    *Parts of the brain (2)*
    • *Is a prt of the Brain Stem*
    • *Regulates Breathing*
  68. Mid Brain:

    *Parts of the Brain Stem*
    *Controls Visual Reflexes*
  69. Pons:

    *Parts of the Brain Stem*
    • *Has Nerve Tracks tht connect the Crebrum 2 the Cerebellum*
    • *Controls Coughing & Sneezing Reflexes*
  70. Medulla Oblongata:

    *Parts of the Brain Stem*
    *Controls Blood Pressure*
  71. OlFactory:

    *Cranial Nerves*
    *Carries Smell info 2 the Brain*
  72. Trochlear:

    *Cranial Nerves*
    *Innervates Muscles tht move the Eyeball*
  73. Trigeminal:

    *Cranial Nerves*
    • *Innervates Muscles 4 Chewing*
    • *Carries Sensory info frm the Skin of the Scalp & Face*
  74. Facial:

    *Cranial Nerves*
    *Carries Sensory info frm the Tounge*
Card Set
The Nervous Sys- Final Review