- Study of the physical structure of the body and its organs
- Describes framework and physical characteristics
Gross Anatomy
Seen with naked eye (inspection, disection)
Microscopic Anatomy
Seen with microscopes
- Study of the function of the body, cell tissues, and organs
- Interrelationships of functioning structures of the body
- Explains how everything works together to support life
Study of cell life and formations
Study of microscopic structure of tissue
Study of disease and response to disease
Reference To Body
Patients view - Anotomical Position
- Basic building block
- Requires nutrients and O2 to survive
- Specific functions
- Produces heat and energy
- Gives off waste
Cell Functions
- Secrete materials (mucus)
- Recieve and transmit impulses
- Enable us to move
- Carry nutrients and O2
- Clot blood
- Destroy bacteria
Cell Membrane
- Separates cell from environment
- Consists of protiens and fat molecules
- Controls what enters / leaves cell
- Regulates cellular function
- Minute bodies within the Cytoplasm
- Nucleus
- Mitochondria
- Ribosomes
- Centriole
- Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Golgi Apparatus
- Lysosomes
- Control center of the cell
- Surrounded by own nuclear membrane
- Controls mitosis (cell division)
Nucleus Characteristics
- Contains chromosomes (rod shaped) Deoxyribonecleic Acid (DNA)
- Humans have 23 pairs
- Stores hereditary material from one gen to next
- 23 pair = sex xx-girl, xy-boy
- First cell division after egg and sperm unite
- new chomosome order made (you are you)
- Carries all of genetic info necessary for cell functions
- Composed of sugar, phosphate, adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine
Units of instruction, produce / influence characteristics or traits and capabilities of an organism
Each parent chromosome halved, shuffled, and then combined during fertilization (unique combonation)
- Division of cells controlled by nucleus of the cell
- Purpose to provide exact duplication of cells for growth and repair of the body
Pinocytic Vesicles
- Pocket in cell membrane, permit large molecules (protien/fat) to enter
- Pocket closes forming vacule (bubble) in cytoplasm called endocytosis
If water trapped in pocket instead of protien/fat - Cell Drinking
- Reverse of drinking/eating
- From cytoplasm to out of cell (waste)
6 Cell Membrane Processes
- 1. Diffusion - gas, liquid, solid distributed evenly
- 2. Osmosis - fluids through selective permeable membrane, some can, some can't
- 3. Filtration - move across semipermeable membrane cause of force such as gravity or blood pressure
- 4. Avtive Transport - molecules moving low to high caused by presense of ATP (carries molecules in and out of cell)
- 5. Phagocytosis - cell eating - pocket in membrane (protien)
- 6. Pinocytosis - cell drinking - pocket in membrane (water)
Diffusion Process
- Solutes - medium fluid, molecules solid
- Move from high to low concentration
- Body cells higher waste trade for lower O2 = internal respiration
Osmosis Process
- When fluids equal on both sides of membrane = EquillibriumEquilibrium known as Osmotic Pressure
Solution same as blood
Water will enter blood cell and cell will burst
Water will exit blood cell and cell will shrivel
- Nerve cell tissue
- Don't increase after birth
- Some can't be regenerated if damaged
During DNA replication - lost, rearanged, or paired in error sequences caused by internal / external factors
Recognizeable result from effect of a gene or group of genes
3 Types Genes
- 1. Dominant - Can produce trait without pair member
- 2. Recessive - takes both pairs to create trate
- 3. X-Linked - defective gene carried on "x-chromosome" (which parent has defect, is child male / female)
2 or more organs of body that perform similar functions
2 or more types of tissue working together for body function
Cells of same type group together to form common purpose
4 Types Tissues
- 1. Epithelial - glands, cover surface of body, line cavities
- 2. Connective - organs and body parts
- 3. Nerve - body's communication network
- 4. Muscle - designed to contract on stimulation
Connective Tissue
- 1. Connective proper - fat tissue, reserve of fuel (food)
- 2. Supportive - subcutaneous layer under skin
- 3. Dense Supportive - tendons, ligaments, organ capsules
3 Nerve Type Tissues
- 1. Sensory Neuron - skin or sense organs
- 2. Inter / Connecting Neuron - carries impulses to another neuron
- 3. Motor Neuron - receives impulses / sends message, cause reaction
2 Types Muscle Tissue
- Voluntary - controlled at will with the brain
- Skeletal / Striated - connected to bones (ability to move)
- Involuntary - without control or conscious awareness
- Smooth - within walls of organs
- Cardiac - only in the heart
Body Systems
- 1. Nervous
- 2. The Senses
- 3. Integumentary
- 4. Skeletal
- 5. Muscular
- 6. Respiratory
- 7. Circulatory
- 8. Immune
- 9. Digestive
- 10. Urinary
- 11. Endocrine
- 12. Reproductive
Life Structure
- 1. Cell
- 2. Tissue
- 3. Organ
- 4. System
- 5. Body