buying products from another country
selling products to another country
free trade
the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic barriers
comparative advantage
- theory that states that a country should sell to other countries those products that it produces most efficiently,
- and buy from other countries those products that it cannot produce as effectivey or efficiently
absolute advantage
the advantage that exists when a country has a monopoly on producing a specific product or is able to produce it more efficiently than all other countries
balance of trade
the total value of a nation's exports compared to its imports measured over a particular period
trade surplus
a favorable balance of trade; occurs when the value of a country's exports exceeds that of its imports
trade deficit
an unfavorable balance of trade; occurs when the value of a country's imports exceeds that of its exports
balance of payments
the difference between money coming into a country (from exorts) and money leaving the country (for imports) plus money flows from ohter factors such as tourism, foreign aid, military expenditures, and foreign nvestment
selling products in a foreign country at lower prices than those charged in the producing country
a global strategy in which a firm (the licensor) allows a foreign company (the licensee) to produe its product in exchange for a fee (a royalty)
contract manufacturing
a foreign country's production of private-label goods to which a domestic company then attaches its brand name or trademark, part of the broad category of outsourcing
joint venture
a partership in which two or more companies (often from different comapnies) join to undertake a moajor project
strategic alliance
a long term partnernership between two or more companies established to help each company build competitive market advantages
foreign direct investment (FDI)
the buying of permanent property and businesses in foregin nations
foreign subsidiary
a company owned by another company in another country, called the parent company
multinational corporation
an organization that manufactures and markets products in many different countris and has multinational stock ownership and multinational management
sovereign wealth funds(SWF)
investment funds controlled by governents holding large stakes in foreign companies
exchange rate
the value of one nation's currency relative to currencies of other countries
lowering the value of a nation's currency relative to other countries
a complex form of bartering in which several countries may be invoved, each trading goods for goods or services for services
trade protectionism
the use of govt regulations to limit the import of goods and services
a tax imposed on imports
import quota
a limit on the number of products in certain categories that a nation can import
a complete ban on import or export of a certain product, or the stopping of all trade with a particular country
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trde (GATT)
a 1948 agreement that established an international forum for negotiating mutual reductios in trade restrictions
World Trade Organization(WTO)
The international organization that replaced General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and was assigned the duty to mediate trade disputes among nations
common market
a regional group of countries that have a common external tariff, no internal tariffs, and a coordination of laws to facilitate exchange; also called a trading bloc. i.e., the European Union
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Agreement that created a free-trade area among the United States, Canada, and Mexico