Triglyceride Structure
- Diglyceride- Loss of one fatty acid
- Monoglyceride- Loss of two fatty acids
"Chain Length" Fatty Acids
- Long Chain Fatty Acids- 12 or more carbons
- Medium Chain Fatty Acids- 6-10 carbons
- Short Chain Fatty Acids- Less than 6 carbons
Saturated Fatty Acid
Contains no double-bonds
Difference between Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Monounsaturated- One double bond
- Polyunsaturated- Many double bonds
Hydrogenation (meaning)
Adding hydrogen to make an unsaturated fat more saturated-yields: Trans-fatty acids
2 Naming Systems of Fatty Acids
- Omega System- double bond closest to Omega end
- Delta System- uses carboxyl end and indicates location for all double bonds
2 Essential Fatty Acids
- Omega 3 - Alpha-linolenic
- Omega 6 - Linolenic
Typical Food Sources of Lipids in Diet
- Fruits and Veggies- except avocados and coconuts
- Dairy
- Grains
- Fats
Fat Replacements
- Water
- Protein
- Carbs- starch derivatives, gum, fiber
- Engineered fats- Olestra and Salatrim
Functions of Triglycerides
- Provide energy
- Provide compact energy source
- Insulate and protect body
- Aid fat soluble Vitamin Absorption and Transport
- Essential Fatty Acid Functions
- Hydrophobic and Hydrophillic Ends
- Functions:
- -component of cell membranes
- -Emulsifier
- Sources:
- -Synthesized by the body
- -food: Eggs, wheat germ and peanuts
- Structure: Ring-like known as cholestrol
- Functions
- -steroid hormones, bile, cell membranes, chylomicrons
- Sources:
- -Synthesized by the body
- -Food: animals
Lipid Intake Recommendations
- Saturated fats: 10% of total calories
- Polyunsaturated Fats: 10% of total calories
- Cholosteral: 300 mg
Fat Digestive Organs and Secretions
- Mouth- Lingual Lipase
- Stomach- Gastric Lipase
- Small Intestine- CCK Triggers bile, Bile emulsifies fat -micelles are acted upon pancreatic lipase with aid of colipase
3 Main Lipid Groups and Digestive Process
Triglycerides: Broken down to monoglycerides and fatty acids
Phospholipids: Broken down to free fatty acids, glycerol, and phosphoric acid
Cholestrol: broken into cholestrol and free fatty acids
Fat Absorption "Pathways for chain fatty acids"
- Short and Medium Chain: fatty acids absorbed into portal vein
- Long Chain: re-estrified and enter lymphatic system
- Bile: recycled via enterohepatic circulation
Major Lipoproteins
- Chylomicrons- transport of dietary triglycerides
- VLDL- Produced by liver and release triglycerides
- IDL- Formed by VLDL
- LDL- Formed by IDL and contain mostly cholestrol
- HDL- Pick up and recycle or dispose cholestrol