Tarry (v)
to delay; dawdle
Tatty (adj)
worn and shabby
Tautological (adj)
needlessley repetitious
Teetotalism (n)
practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks
Temerity (n)
boldness; rashness
Tempestuous (adj)
stormy; impassioned; violent
Temproize (v)
act of evasively gaining time; avoid commiting oneself
Tendentious (adj)
having an aim; biased; designed to furhter a cause
Tensile (adj)
capable of being stretched
Tenuous (adj)
thin; rare; slim
Terse (adj)
concise; abrupt; pithy
Tesselated (adj)
inlaid, mosaic
Testator (n)
maker of a will
Thrall (n)
slave; bondage
Threadbare (adj)
worn through til the threads show; shabby and poor
Tiller (n)
handle used to move a boat rudder
Timbre (n)
quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument
Timorous (adj)
fearful; demonstrating fear
Tipple (v)
to drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently
Tonsure (n)
shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious orders
Touchstone (n)
stone used to test the fitness of gold alloys; criterion
Tract (n)
pamphlet; a region of indefinate size
Tractable (adj)
docile; easily managed
Traduce (v)
to expose to slander
Transmute (v)
to change; to convert to something different
Transport (n)
strong emotion
Travial (n)
painful physical or mental labor; drudgery; torment
Treatise (n)
article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
Trite (adj)
hackneyed; commonplace
Troth (n)
a pledge of good faith, esp in betrothal
Truculence (adj)
aggressiveness; ferocity
Tumid (adj)
swollen; pompous; bombastic
Tumult (n)
commotion; riot; noise
Turbid (adj)
muddy; having the sediment disturbed
Tureen (n)
deep dish for serving soup
Tutelage (n)
gaurdianship; training
Tutelary (adj)
protective; pertaining to a gaurdianship
Ubiquitous (adj)
Unassailable (adj)
not subject to question; not open to attack
Unassuaged (adj)
unsatisfied; not soothed
Uncanny (adj)
strange; mysterious
Uncouth (adj)
outlandish; clumsy; boorish
Unction (n)
the act of annointing with oil
Unctuous (adj)
oily; bland
Undermine (v)
to weaken; sap
Unerringly (adv)
Unexceptionable (adj
not offering any basis for criticism; entirely acceptable
Unfrock (adj)
to strip a priest or minister of church authority
Ungainly (adj)
awkward; clumsy; unwieldy
Unrequited (adj)
not reciprocated
Unseemly (adj)
unbecoming; indecent; in poor taste
untenable (adj)
indefensiable; not able to be maintained
Untoward (adj)
unfortunate or unlucky; adverse; unexpected
Untrammeled (adj)
without limits or restrictions
Unwonted (adj)
Urbane (adj)
suave; refined; elegant
Urchin (n)
mischievous child
Uxorious (adj)
excessively devoted to ones wife
Vacuous (adj)
empty; lacking in ideas; stupid
Vagrant (adj)
stray; random
Vainglorious (adj)
Valedictory (adj)
pertaining to farewell
Vangaurd (n)
forerunners; advance forces
Vapid (adj)
dull and unimaginative; insipid and flavorless
Vassal (n)
in feudelism, one who held land of a superior lord
Vaunted (adj)
boasted; bragged; highly publicized
Vegetate (v)
to live in a monotonous way
Vehement (adj)
forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor