1. AXIS II
    Diagnoses on Axis II start in childhood or adolescence and persist in a stable form into adulthood (there are not periods of remission). As in Axis I, a plan is needed for addressing the diagnosis given. Three questions to be considered include:

    1. Are there any life-long maladaptive patterms? (In mental retardation it may not always be life long).

    2. Do the identified patterns tend to cause difficulty in intimate, social or work relationships?

    3. What developmental issues are arrested orcurrently impair daily functioning?

    (There is a typographical error in the DSM and Borderline Intellectual Functioning can be placed on either Axis I or II
  2. Personality Disorders
    • 1. Paranoid Personality Disorder
    • 2. Schizoid Personality Disorder
    • 3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
    • 4. Borderline Personality Disorder
    • 5. Histrionic Personlity Disorder
    • 6. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
    • 7. Avoidant Personilty Disorder
    • 8. Dependent Personality Disorder
    • 9. Obessessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
    • 11. Antisocial Personality Disorder
    • 10. Personality Disorder NOS
  3. Mental Retardation
    • Mild 55-70
    • Moderate 35-55
    • Severe 20-35
    • Profound Below 20
Card Set
Assessment & Diagnsis