Sextant (n)
navigation tool used to determine a ships latitude and longitude
Sheaf (n)
bundle of stocks of grain; any bundle of things tied together
Shrewd (adj)
clever; astute
Shunt (v)
to turn aside; divert; sidetrack
Shyster (n)
lawyer using questionable methods
Sibylline (adj)
prophetic; oracular
Simper (v)
to smirk; smile affectedly
Sinewy (adj)
tough; strong and firm
Sinuous (adj0
winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
Skiff (n)
small, light sailboat or rowboat
Skinflint (n)
stingy person; miser
Skittish (adj)
lively; frisky
Skulduggery (n)
dishonest behavior
Skulk (v)
to move furtively and secretly
Slag (n)
waste from smelting metals; waste matter
Sleazy (adj)
flimsy; unsubstantial
Sleight (n)
dexterity (eg., sleight of hand)
Slight (n)
insult to one's dignity; snub
Slipshod (adj)
untidy or slovenly; shabby
Sluice (n)
artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water
Smattering (n)
slight knowledge
Sodden (adj)
soaked; dull, as if from drink
Sojourn (n)
temporary stay
Solace (n)
comfort in trouble
Solicitous (adj)
worried; concerned
Solvent (adj, n)
- (adj) able to pay all debts
- (n) able to be dissolved
Somnambulist (n)
Somnolent (adj)
Sophist (n)
teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning
Sophistry (n)
seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning
Spangle (n)
small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
Spectrum (n)
colored band of light from a prism
Spendthrift (n)
someone who wastes money
Spoonerism (n)
accidental transposition of sounds in successive words (eg., hoobert herber)
Spruce (adj)
tidy and trim
Spurious (adj)
false; counterfeit; forged; illogical
Spurn (v)
to reject or scorn
Squalor (n)
filth; degradation; dirty, neglected state
Squat (adj)
stocky; short and thick
Staccato (adj)
played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt, sharp sound
Staid (adj)
sober; sedate
Stalwart (adj)
strong, brawny; steadfast
Stanch (v)
to check the flow of blood; stem
Stilted (adj)
bombastic; stiffly pompous
Stint (n, v)
- (n) supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work
- (v) set limits; be thrifty
Stockade (n)
wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as a defensive barrier
Stodgy (adj)
stuffy; boringly conservative
Stratified (adj)
divided into classes; arranged into strata
Stratum (n)
layer of earths crust; layer of society
Stricture (n)
critical remarks; severe and adverse criticism
Strident (adj)
loud and harsh;insistent
Stringent (adj)
binding; rigid
Studied (adj0
unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful
Stultify (v)
to cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; frustrate or hinder
Stygian (adj)
gloomy; hellish; deathly
Subaltern (n)
Sublimate (v)
to refine; prify
Suborn (v)
to persuade to act unlawfully
Subsistence (n)
existence; means of support; livelihood
Substantive (adj)
essential; pertaining to the substance
Subsume (v)
include; encompass
Subterfuge (n)
pretense; easion
Subvrsive (adj)
tending to ovrthrow; destructive
Succor (v)
to assist; aid; comfort
Suffuse (v)
to spread over
Sumptuous (adj)
lavish; rich
Sunder (v)
to separate; part
Superannuated (adj)
retired or disqualified because of age
Supercilious (adj)
arrogant; condescending; patronizing
Supererogatory (adj)
superfluous; more than needed or demanded
Supernumerary (n)
a person or thing in excess of what is necessary
Supersede (v)
to cause to be set aside; replace; make obsolete
Suppliant (adj)
entreating; beseeching
Supplicate (v)
to petition humbly; pray to grant a favor
Supposition (n)
hypothesis; surmise
Suppositious (adj)
assumed; counterfeit; hypothetical
Swarthy (adj)
dark; dusky
Swathe (v)
to wrap around; bandage
Sylvan (adj)
pertaining to the woods; rustic
Synoptic (adj)
providing a general overview; summary
Tantalize (v)
to tease; torture with disappointment
Tantamount (adj)
equivalent in effect or value