MA 201 Common POL

  1. Parenteral
    • Meds given outside digestive system
    • Injections, Topical, Transdermal (slowest)
  2. Parenteral Characteristics
    • Fast acting
    • Used for vomiting of unconscious patients
    • Can cause immediate allergic reactions
    • Pain / infection from poor techniques
  3. 7 Rights
    • 1. Patient - watch same sounding names
    • 2. Drug - watch same sounding name
    • 3. Dose - too much can kill
    • 4. Time - too close = overdose
    • 5. Route - how in
    • 6. Technique - cause pain
    • 7. Documentation - didn't chart, didn't happen
  4. 7 Rights Checked 3x
    • 1. When locate meds on shelf
    • 2. When remove meds from container
    • 3. When replace meds back on shelf
  5. Methods of Administration
    • 1. Oral - by mouth
    • 2. Sublingual - under tongue
    • 3. Buccul - between cheek and gum
    • 4. Inhaler
    • 5. Topical - skin
    • 6. Sprays - throat
    • 7. Transdermal - through skin
    • 8. Suppository
  6. Pharmacology
    Study of use, preperation, handling, storage, and actions of drugs
  7. Medication Ordered
    • 1. Administered - given in office, take now
    • 2. Prescribed - written order, to be filled later
    • 3. Dispensed - given in office, take later (samples)
  8. Assissting with Medication
    • To be able to dispense/administer meds, must have understanding of what meds will do to patients
    • Everyone reacts differently
  9. Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)
    Acurate, reliable, and current info about medications
  10. PDR Sections
    • 1. Manufacturer's Index (White)
    • 2. Brand / Generic Name (Pink) most used
    • 3. Product Category (Blue)
    • 4. Product ID (Grey)
    • 5. Product Info (White)
  11. Immunizations / Vaccines
    Drugs that prevent disease
  12. Analgesics
    Drugs that have a particular action
  13. Cardiac Drugs
    Drugs that have a target effect
  14. Drug Actions
    • Directly affects one or more body tissues
    • Effect on microorganisms
    • Replacement body chemicals
  15. Drug Action Classifications
    • 1. Local - area where meds administered
    • 2. Remote - away from admin site
    • 3. Systemic - throughout
    • 4. Synergistic - works with / against another drug
  16. Drug Forms (special)
    • Ocular - drug between to thin membrane layers placed under lower eye lid
    • Implantable - beneath the skin
  17. Prescription
    • A written order for medication / treatment
    • Legal document
    • Narcotics are always hand written
    • Record all meds in Px chart
  18. Precription Requirements
    • 1. Full Name Px
    • 2. Name Medication
    • 3. Dosage & Route
    • 4. How often to take
    • 5. Date / Time ordered
    • 6. Directions & Signature of Prescriber
  19. Who can Prescribe
    • 1. MD - Doctor
    • 2. DO - Doctor of Osteopathy
    • 3. DDS - Dentist
    • 4. PA - Physician Assisstant
    • 5. NP - Nurse Practisioner
    • 6. CNM - Midwife
  20. Narcotics - Prescribers Must
    Register with DOJ and DEA under the Controlled Substances Act 1970
  21. Medication Schedule
    • 1. No use, prescription prohibited (heroin, LSD, Marijuana)
    • 2. May not be refilled, High abuse (cocain, percocet, demerol)
    • 3. May refill 5x, Moderate abuse (vicodin, T3)
    • 4. May refill 5x, Mild abuse (valium, xanax)
    • 5. Subject to state / local laws, Limited abuse (cough syrup with codine)
  22. Medication Charting
    Must Have:
    • 1. Who ordered
    • 2. What ordered (strength/dose)
    • 3. What date given
    • 4. How taken
  23. Quality Control (QC)
    Assesses testing procedures, reagents, machines, and techniques
  24. Quality Assurance (QA)
    Program evaluates quality and effectiveness according to acceptable standards
  25. Drug Action Considerations
    • 1. Patient age (old/young need less)
    • 2. Patient weight
    • 3. Body surface area
    • 4. Drug interactions (when mixed with others)
    • 5. Allergies
    • 6. Tolerance to the meds
    • 7. Time
  26. Theraputic
    • Pertaning to results obtained from treatment
    • Application of remedies and treatment of disease
  27. Diagnostic
    • Pertaining to a diagnosis
    • Finding what is wrong
  28. O2 Ordered
    • In liters per minute
    • Via nasal cannula / mask / etc...
  29. Placebo
    • Non-medication treatment for comfort
    • Usually used in clinical study
  30. Antitoxin
    An antibody produced in response to and capable of neutralizing specific biologic toxin
  31. Emultion
    • Mixture of two liquids not mutually soluable
    • The lipid is broken into small globules
  32. Digoxin
    Antiarrhythmic and cardiotonic up force and contractility of heart muscle (treats CHF)
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MA 201 Common POL
Chapter 18 Unit 1-2