Biology Practical

  1. What is the difference between a Prokaryote and a eukaryote?
    A prokaryote lacks a nuclear membrane and a eukaryote does not.
  2. Both plants and animals are ....

  3. what is this?
  4. What is the difference between the cell wall of a plant cell and an animal cell?
    Plants have a cell wall and animal cells do not.

  5. what is this?
  6. Interphase
  7. interphase
  8. Anaphase
  9. Anaphase
  10. Metaphase
  11. Metaphase
  12. Prophase
  13. Prophase
  14. Telephase
  15. Telephase
  16. "x" shaped during mitosis
  17. Mitosis: Purpose of Process
    To seperate the genitic material that was replicated during the S phase and results in the production oftwo identical daughter cells
  18. Mitosis: # of cells produced
  19. Mitosis: # of Nuclear divisions
  20. Mitosis: Haploidy or diploidy of resulting cells
  21. Mitosis : Genetically identical cells? (yes or no)
  22. Mitosis: Pairing of homologues (yes/no)
  23. Meiosis: purpose of the process
    genetic diversity of a species is increased
  24. Meiosis: # of cells produced
  25. Meiosis: # of nuclear division
  26. Meiosis: Haploidy or diploidy of resulting cells
    increases genetic diversity in offspring.
  27. Meiosis: Genetically identical cells?
  28. Meiosis: Pairing of homologues?
  29. Meiosis: Occurrence of crossing over
    Prophase I

  30. What is this process

  31. What is this process
  32. What is the difference between a phenotype and a genotype
    • Genotype: list the alleles present in an organism
    • Phenotype: the physical expression of the genotype
  33. What does a Homozygous pair look like?
    PP or pp
  34. What does a heterozygous pair look like?
  35. What type of antigens and antibodies are produced by A blood
    • A antigens
    • B antibodies
  36. What type of antigens and antibodies are produced by B blood
    • B antigens
    • A antibodies
  37. What type of antigens and antibodies are produced by AB blood
    Two antigens and no antibodies
  38. What type of antigens and antibodies are produced by O blood
    • no antigens or antibodies
    • is masked when paired with A, B, or AB
  39. What are the three domains of living organisms?
    • Archea
    • Eubacteria
    • Eukaryea
  40. What are the three cell walls shapes of bacteria
    • Bacillus (rod-shaped)
    • Coccus (spherical)
    • Spirillum (spiral-shaped)
  41. What are the three cellular arrangements of bacteria?
    • diplo-
    • strepto-
    • shaph
  42. what is heterotrophic
    they obtain their energy from organic molecules produced by other organisms (not from the sun)
  43. What is an autototroph?
    able to convert energy from an inorganic source such as the sun to make their own energy
  44. a + gram color
  45. a - gram color
    pink or red
  46. All members of Eubacteria are __________
  47. 4 Eukaryea kingdoms
    • Protista
    • Fungi
    • Plantea
    • Animalia

  48. Chlamydomonas

  49. Spirogyra
    conjugation tubes

  50. This is a __________ on a cell wall
  51. Diatoms cell wall are made up of ______
  52. Sargassum
    is a brown algae
  53. Protozoans are ___________ and _______ ________
    Heterotropic and single cells
  54. Protozoans ingest food by the process __________
  55. The pseudopia of an Amoeba proteus is located where?
    On the outside / the wall of the cell
  56. The ring stage of plasmodium
  57. conidiophores on Penicillium
  58. Basidiospore of Coprinus

  59. Dots on a fern
  60. Pinus Pollen
    • 1.petal
    • 2.stigma
    • 4.ovary
    • 5.ovule
    • 6.receptacle
    • 7.sepal
    • 8.filament
    • 9.anther
    • 10.pistal
    • 11.stamen
  61. Fibrous root
  62. Tap root
  63. Fungi Hypae cell walls are made up of _______
  64. Three methods of asexual reproduction utilized by fungi
    • mitosis -spores
    • budding
    • fragmentation
  65. _____________ is a beneficial bacteria that was accidentally discovered
  66. Three forms of lichen
    • Fruiticose - dots on end
    • Crustose - crusty
    • Foliose - leaf like
  67. Common characterics among members of kindgom plantae
    • eukaryotes
    • multicelluar
    • have cellulose in their cell walls
    • alternation of generations
  68. dioecious
    can usually produce only one type of gamete
  69. How to identify a sporophyte from moss
    The leaflike stuctures
  70. The ______ is the male structure of a fern and the _______ is the female structure of a fern
    • antheridia
    • archegonia
  71. Why is Pinus so important economically?
    • Lumber productions
    • Wood Pulp to make paper
    • resin
    • pencil and matchstick making
  72. Difference between monocoytyledons and dicotyledons
    • A monocotyledon- has only one cotyledon (or seed leaf.)
    • A dicotyledon -has two cotyledons
  73. What makes up the pericarp of a fruit
    • Endocarp
    • Mesocarp
    • Exocarp
  74. What is a root/stem that is commonly used for human consumption
  75. Complexity of a leaf
    • simple - ones blade connected
    • compound- have several blades connected
  76. Phyllotaxy of a leaf
    • the arrangement on a branch
    • (worled alternate and opposite)
Card Set
Biology Practical