Precept (n)
practical rule guiding conduct
Precipice (n)
cliff; dangerous posistion
Precipitant (n)
something that causes a substance in a chemical reaction to separate out in solid form
Precipitate (v, adj)
- (adj) rash; premature; hasty; sudden
- (v) to throw headlong; hasten
Precipitous (adj)
steep; overhasty
Précis (n)
consice summing up of main points
Preclude (v)
to make impossible; eliminate
Precocious (adj)
advanced in development
Predilection (n)
partiality; preference
Prefatory (adj)
introductory; forerunner
Prelate (n)
church dignitary
Premonitory (adj)
serving to warn
Preponderance (n)
superiority of power, quantity, etc
Prescience (n)
ability to tell the future
Presentiment (n)
feeling something will happen
Presumptuous (adj)
arrogant; taking liberties
Preternatural (adj)
beyond that which is normal in nature
Prim (adj)
very precise and formal
Primogeniture (n)
seniority by birth
Privation (n)
hardship; want
Prodigious (adj)
marvelous; enormous
Profane (v)
to violate; desolate; treat unworthily (also, adj)
Profusion (n)
overabundance; lavish expenditure; excess
Prolixity (n)
tedious wordiness; verbosity
Promulgate (v)
to proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official publication
Propinquity (n)
nearness; kinship
Propitious (adj)
favorable; fortunate; advantageous
Propound (v)
to put forth for analysis
Prosaic (adj)
dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual
Proscenium (n)
part of stage in front of curtain
Proscribe (v)
to ostracize; banish; outlaw
Proselytize (v)
to induce someone to convert to a religion or belief
Prosody (n)
the art of versification
Prostrate (v)
to strecth out full on the ground
Protean (adj)
versatile; able to take on many forms
Protege (n)
person revieving protection and support from a patron
Protuberance (n)
protrusion; bulge
Provenance (n)
origin or source of something
Provender (n)
dry food; fodder
Provident (adj)
displaying foresight; thrify; preparing for emergencies
Provincial (adj)
pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated
Provisional (adj)
Proxy (n)
authorized agent; substitute
Prurient (adj)
having or causing lustful thoughts or desires
Pugnacity (n)
combativeness; disposition to fight
Puissant (adj)
powerful; strong; potent
Punctilious (adj)
stressing niceties of conduct or form; minutely attentive (perhaps too much so) to fine points
Purchase (n)
firm grasp or footing
Purport (n)
intention; meaning
Purported (adj)
alleged; claimed; reputed or rumored
Purse (v)
to pucker; contract into wrinkles
Putative (adj)
supposed; reputed
Quaff (v)
to drink with relish
Quagmire (n)
soft, wet, boggy land
Quail (v)
to cower; lose heart
Qualified (adj)
limited; restricted (eg., a qualified endorsement)
Quarry (n, v)
- (n) victim; object of a hunt
- (v) to dig into
Quay (n)
dock; landing place
Quibble (n)
minor objection or complaint
Quirk (n)
startling twist; caprice
Quisling (n)
traitor who aids invaders
Quizzical (adj)
teasing; bantering; mocking; curious
Quorum (n)
number of members necessary to conduct a meeting
Ragamuffin (n)
person wearing tattered clothes
Rackish (adj)
stylish; sporty
Ramification (n)
branching out; subdivision
Ramify (v)
to divide into branches
Rampart (n)
a defensive mound of earth
Rancor (n)
bitterness; hatred
Rankle (v)
to irritate; fester
Rapacious (adj)
excessively grasping; plundering
Rapt (adj)
absorbed; enchanted
Ratify (v)
to approve formally; confirm; verify
Ratiocination (n)
reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises
Ravel (v)
to fall apart into tangles; unravel or untwist; entangle
Reactionary (adj)
opposing progress; politically ultraconservative
Rebuff (v)
to snub; beat back
Rebuke (v)
to scold harshly; criticize severely
Rebus (n)
puzzle in which pictures stand for words
Recalcitrant (adj)
obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly
Recant (v)
to disclaim or disavow; retract a previous statement; openly confess error
Recapitulate (v)
to summarize
Recondite (adj)
abstruse; profound; secret
Recrimination (n)
Rectitude (n)
uprightness; moral virtue; correctness of judgment
Recumbent (adj)
reclining; lying down completely or in part