Neuro Block 4

  1. N. cerelus produces what nt?
  2. Midbrain raphe produces what nt?
  3. What is Psilocin?
    serotonin agonist in mushroom
  4. Mescaline is what?
    serotonin agonist in cactus
  5. What is the mode of action of ecstasy?
    • massive release of endogenous serotonin
    • depletes serotonergic neurons----causes depression---needs prozac
  6. What is adenosin?
  7. Adenosin acts where?
    at the membrane other than a synapse
  8. What is the effect of adenosi?
    neuronal depressant
  9. What inhibits adenosin?
    caffeine, theophylline
  10. What are the excitatory a.a?
    • aspartate--- SC
    • glutamate --CNS
  11. Inhibitory a.a?
  12. Is glycine inhibitory or excitatory?
  13. Strychnine inhibits what?
  14. What is strychnine?
    Glycine antagonist
  15. Large molecule nt are what?
  16. Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide are what kind of neurotransmitters?
  17. Lish nodules are seen in what condition?
  18. What is the SIN of MS?
    • Scanning speech
    • Internuclear opthalmoplegia
    • Intention tremor
    • Incontinence Urinary
    • Nystagmus
  19. What bacterium causes meningitis in newborn?
    Group B cocci
  20. What determines whether something is sour, sweet or salty?
    population of fibers
  21. What information goes to nucleus solitarius?
    • baroreceptor
    • gut distention
    • taste
  22. What goes to N. Ambiguens?
    • larynx
    • pharynx
    • swallowing
  23. What is so special about CNS CN I?
    it regenerates
  24. What is the only excitatory cell of the cerebellum?
  25. Receptor for olfactory cell is what?
    dendite of a bipolar neuron
  26. What is responsible for the olfactory reflex?
    anterior perforated substance
  27. What causes the uncus to bulge out?
  28. Olfactory cortex is neo or allocortex?
    allocortex--no thalamus
  29. What is the difference between neo and allocortex?
    • neo cortex--6 layers and thalamus
    • allocortex--3 layers and no thalamus
  30. Another name for uncinate fit is?
    Jacksonian Seizure
  31. Another name for Jacksonian Seizure is what?
    Uncinate fit
  32. What preceds a Jacksonian Seizure?
    Unpleasant smell
  33. Where is the uncus/amygdala located?
    base of Temporal Lobe
  34. Which part is important for learning and memmory?
  35. In what condition are CA1 neurons of the hippocampus destroyed?
  36. What is the reward area of the brain called?
    Septal Area
  37. What is required for declarative memory?
    Papez circuit
  38. What is required for procedural memory?
  39. Amygdala has what two parts?
    • olfactory
    • limbic
  40. The septal are is for what?
    reward area
  41. The septal area is located where?
    around the periaqueductal gray
  42. Long term memory involves what synthesis?
    protein synthesis
  43. Presynaptic Calcium is the basis for what kind of memory?
    short term
  44. Post synaptic calcium is the basis for what type of memory?
    Long term memory
  45. Long term potentionation(memory) is seen in what neurons?
  46. What are the 3 receptors for Glutamate?
    • KINATE
    • AMP
    • NMDA
  47. In CA-1 neurons how is the NMDA receptor activated
    Glu binds to kinate and AMP--> depolarizes the membrane--> Mg kicked off the NMDA receptor--> GLu binds to NMDA---> depolarization--> Ca enters
  48. In a CA-1 neuron how is long term depolarization of the post synaptic membrane achieved?
    retrograde transport of NO--> more glutamate released
  49. How is glutamate eliminated?
  50. Alzheimer's is characterized by the destruction of what nucleus?
    N. Basalis----> no Ach
  51. What are the the signs of Alzeimers?
    • Intracellular tangles of Microtubule protein Tau
    • Extracellular Tangles of Beta ameloid
  52. What 2 conditions predispose to a Alzeimer's?
    • Down syndrome
    • Parkinson's
  53. What are the 2 higher association cortex areas?
    prefrontal and orbitofrontal
  54. Massa intamedia?
    Thalami touching eachother
  55. Why is lumbar cistern significant?
    sampling of CSF
  56. What anchors Conus Medullaris?
    Filum Terminale
  57. Psilocin, Mescaline are what?
    serotonin agonist
  58. What does Ecstasy do?
    release of serotonin
  59. What inhibits glycine?
  60. Whats the effect of inhibiting strychnine?
  61. Where does the brain pass?
    Incisirium tentorium
  62. CSF from subarachnoid moves into the dural sinus via what?
    arachnoid villi
  63. What is the only important subarachnoid cistern?
    lumbar cister
  64. What anchors pia?
    filum terminale
  65. What is subfocal herniation?
    forcing brain under the faux tentorium
  66. Uncal herniation can cause what problems?
    • CN III
    • breathing problems
  67. What is coning?
    cerebellum into foramen magnum pushing against medulla
  68. What forms the Glial Limiting Membrane?
    • Pia
    • Astrocytes
  69. At what point do CSF and brain communicate?
    Epyndymal cells of the ventricles
Card Set
Neuro Block 4
Neuro Block 4