Palate (n)
roof of the mouth; sense of taste
Palette (n)
board on which a painter mixes pigments
Palimpsest (n)
parchment used for second time after original writing has been erased
Pall (v)
to grow tiresome
Pallet (n)
small, poor bed
Paltry (adj)
insignificant; petty; trifling
Parable (n)
short, simple story teaching a moral
Parity (n)
equality; close resemblance
Parlance (n)
language; idiom
Parochial (adj)
narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes
Paroxysm (n)
fit for attack of pain, laughter, rage
Parquet (n)
floor made of wood strips inlaid in a mosaic-like pattern
Patent (adj)
open for the public to read; obvious
Pathos (n)
tender sorrow; pitty; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings
Patois (n)
local or provincial dialect
Patrician (adj)
noble; aristocratic
Pecuniary (adj)
pertaining to money
Pell-mell (adv)
in confusion; disorderly
Pellucid (adj)
transparent; limpid; easy to understand
Pensive (adj)
dreamily thoughtful; thoughful with a hint of sadness; contemplative
Penumbra (n)
partial foreshadow (in an eclipse)
Perdition (n)
damnation; complete ruin
Peremptory (adj)
demanding and leaving no choice
Perennial (n)
something long-lasting
Perigee (n)
Point of the moon's orbit when it's nearest earth
Pernicious (adj)
very destructive
Peroration (n)
conclusion of an oration
Perquisite (n)
any gain above stipulated salary
Perspecuity (n)
clearness of expression
Perspicuous (adj)
clearly expressed
Pert (adj)
impertinent; forward
Pertinacious (adj)
stubborn; persistent
Pertinent (adj)
suitable; to the point
Pervasive (adj)
spread throughout
Perverse (adj)
stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked and unacceptable
Perversion (n)
corruption; turning from right to wrong
Petulant (adj)
touchy; peevish; bitchy
Pharasical (adj)
pertaining to the Pharisees; self-righteous; hypocritical
Philanderer (n)
faithless lover; flirt
Philology (n)
study of language
Piebald (adj)
of different colors; spotted; mottled
Piecemeal (adv)
one part at a time; gradually
Pied (adj)
variegated; multicolored
Pillory (n, v)
- (n) wooden frame that hold the neck and wrists
- (v) punish by placing in pillory
Piquant (adj)
pleasantly tart-tasting; stimulating
Pique (n, v)
- (n) iriitation; resentment
- (v) to provoke; arouse; annoy
Piscatorial (adj)
pertaining to fishing
Pith (n)
core or marrow; essence; substance
Pittance (n)
a small allowance or wage
Plait (v)
to braid; intertwine
Platonic (adj)
purely spiritual; theoretical; without sensual desire
Plaudit (n)
enthusiastic approval; round of applause
Plenary (adj)
complete; full
Plenitude (n)
abundance; completeness
Plumb (v, adj)
- (v) examine critically to understand; measure depth
- (adj) vertical
Plutocracy (n)
society ruled by the wealthy
Poignancy (n)
quality of being deeply moving; keeness of emotion
Polemical (adj)
aggressive in verbal attack; disputa-tious
Polity (n)
form of government or nation state
Pomposity (n)
self-important behavior (adj, pompous)
Ponderous (adj)
weighty; unwieldy
Pontifical (adj)
pertaining to a bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious
Pore (v)
to study industriously; ponder; scrutinize
Portend (v)
foretell; presage
Portent (n)
sign; omen; forewarning
Posterity (n)
descedants; future generations
Postulate (n)
self-evident truth
Poultice (n)
soothing applicationapplied to sore and inflamed portions of the body
Pragmatist (n)
practical person
Prate (v)
to speak foolishly; boast idly
Preamble (n)
introductory statement