
  1. Masseter
    • Origin: Zygomatic arch
    • Insertion: Mandibular angle, Mandibular ramus
    • Action: Elevates mandible
  2. Temporalis
    • Origin: Temporal fossa of the temporal bone
    • Insertion: Coronoid process of the mandible
    • Action: Elevates mandible, and retracts mandible
  3. Sternocleidomastoid
    • Origin: Manubrium of the sternum and the medial clavicle
    • Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
    • Action: Flexes head, rotates head laterally
  4. Scalenes
    • Origin: Transverse processes of the cervical vertibrae
    • Insertion: Anterior surface of ribs 1 and 2
    • Action: Elevates ribs 1 and 2, flexes neck, rotates neck
  5. Splenius Capitis
    • Origin: Spinous process of C6-T7
    • Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone, Occipital bone
    • Action: Extends or hyper extends vertebral column
  6. Semispinalis capitis
    • Origin: Transverse process of C7- T12
    • Insertion: Occipital bone
    • Action: Extends vertebral column
  7. Erector spinae iliocostalis
    • Origin: Iliac crest, ribs 3-12
    • Insertion: Inferior border of the ribs, transverse processes of C4-C6
    • Action: Extends vertibral column, laterally flexes vertibral column
  8. Longissimus
    • Origin: Transverse process of C4-L5
    • Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
    • Action: Extends vertibral column, laterally flexes vertibral column
  9. Spinalis
    • Origin: Spinous processes of C6-T7
    • Insertion: Spinous procceses of C4-T6
    • Action: Extends vertibral column
Card Set
Muscles of the head and neck, anterior and posterior