ch 11 dental materials

  1. what ally is used with implants?
    biocompatible titanium
  2. implant prosthesis may be ______ or have a ______ shape
    • cylindrical
    • blade
  3. what is the leading cause of failure of an implant?
  4. what can cause mobility of an implant in the bone? (2)
    lack of osseo-integration or adequate bone
  5. what are three contraindications to implant placement?
    • inadequate bone
    • uncontrolled periodontal disease
    • smoking
  6. t/f an electric toothbrush should not be recommended for a pt with implants
    false! it will not cause damage, it is ok to use
  7. can an air polisher be used around implants?
  8. ______ instruments cannot be used around implants unless they are _________, ______ _______, or ________
    • metal
    • titanium
    • titanium alloy
    • graphite
  9. with careful case selection, what is the success rate of implants?
  10. t/f implants are great for retention and stabilzation of mandibular dentures
  11. what are the three main types of implants?
    • subperiosteal
    • transosteal
    • endosseous
  12. what do transosteal implants do?
    support mandibular denture in the pt with severe bone resorption
  13. what is the MOST COMMON implant used today?
  14. which implant is more successful in the mandible due to DENSER BONE?
  15. which implants are under the periosteum and rest on the bone?
  16. where are subperiosteal implants most common?
    on the mandible
  17. which implant is biocompatible, light weight, and does not corrode?
  18. endosseous implants are ____-like for osseous integration
  19. some endosseous implants have _________ or ______ proteins to enhance osteointegration
    • hydroxyapatite
    • plasma proteins
  20. who makes the acrylic stent guide for paralleling of multiple implants?
    the dentist
  21. what does a dentist use to get the correct angulation of an implant?
    he makes an acrylic stent (guide)
  22. how long does it take for the integration of an implant after placement?
    3 months, then uncover the implants, place screw into the implant, place healing abutment, replace flap and let heal
  23. which implants have replaced the subperiosteal implants used today?
    the endosseous implants
  24. which implant is also called the mandibular staple?
    transosteal implant
  25. for subperiosteal implants, what is the first, second, and third step?
    first: surgical incision to expose bony ridge. impression of the bony ridge is taken. the surgical wound is closed

    second: a replica is made of the bony ridge from the impression. the metal framework is cast in the lab. it has metal projections that will extend through the tissues.

    third: a second incision to reopen the initial wound is made. the implant framework is inserted over and under the periosteum. the tissues are sutured closed and the projections are showing in the oral cavity.
  26. how is a transosteal implant inserted?
    a horizontal support beam is atached to the metal rods that are inserted into the holes drilled ALL THE WAY through the mandible! required intraoral and extraoral incisions! not used much. it is invasive in nature.
  27. excessive _____ will damage bone during implant placement
  28. what is a prosthesis attached by (when dealing with implants)
    a small screw of gold alloy
  29. what is an immediate-placement surgical procedure?
    when an implant is placed immediately into a fresh extraction site (mmmm yummy)
  30. which implant placement can either be a one-step or two-step surgical procedure depending on the approach?
  31. t/f there is PDL or JE with an implant
    false! there is not! no need to probe it (says the speaker at the UDA convention)
  32. what helps keep microorganisms from invading the tissues with an implant?
    the biological seal (close adaptation and attachment of sulcular epithelium to implant surface)
  33. t/f an implant restoration can collect plaque and calc
  34. what can happen if plaque and calc are not controlled around an implant?
    inflammation and bacterial invasion can progress into the bone and contribute to failure
  35. what should be done for homecare for a patient with implants?
    customize for the patient what to use!
  36. t/f wooden plaque removers are too abrasive around implants to use
    FALSE! they do not scratch the implant. they are good to use
  37. how long should CHX be used if recommended for pt?
    1-2 wks at a time to prevent staining
  38. t/f listerine can be used daily with implants
  39. oral irrigation should be used on ____ pressure around implants
  40. what are 5 brushes that can be used with implants?
    • soft bristle
    • interproximal
    • end tufted
    • alter angulation of plastic handle
    • rotary with pointed bristles
  41. how often is a hygiene visit recommended for implant patients?
    3-4 months
  42. what should be asked when a pt comes in for a visit for a check up on implants?
    • is there any mobility
    • bleeding
    • soreness
    • looseness of prosthesis
  43. what is used to check bon integration/level?
  44. routine probing is ____ recommended!
  45. what kind of curettes and scalers can be used with implants?
    plastic or graphite
  46. metal instruments with ____ or _____ coating can be used
    • teflon
    • gold coating
  47. what can be used if polishing is absolutely necessary?
    tin oxide
  48. what usually causes early implant failure? (5)
    • poor surgical technique
    • heat to bone in drilling
    • infection of implant site
    • poor bone quality (osteoporosis)
    • loading forces too soon
  49. what are two causes of failure after integration?
    • bacterial infection from prei-implant tissues into bone
    • overloading implant during FUNCTION-loss of supporting bone
Card Set
ch 11 dental materials
dental materials ch 11