History 151

  1. Pennsylvania—1780; Connecticut and Rhode Island—1784; New York—1799; New Jersey—1804. All other Northern states adopted a strategy of gradual emancipation, which basically created a system of indentured servitude until slaves reached a certain age. This meant that in some states, people were in bondage until shortly before the Civil War
    Gradual Emancipation
  2. To create a strong consolidated government that would have the power to tax and enforce laws directly, rather than have to work through the states
    The Virginia Plan
  3. Nationalists who wanted to strengthen the Union. Elites who wanted the government to represent their economic issues
    James Madison and the Federalists—The Virginia Plan
  4. Wanted to prevent too much power from being placed in the hands of the national government. Agreed to a central government, but gave power to individual states through representatives
    The New Jersey Plan
  5. Representatives from small states who feared that they would be overruled and controlled by the large states
    William Paterson and the Anti-Federalists—The New Jersey Plan
  6. Federal government has significant power, but abuse of power is prevented by Congress. Congressional delegates are selected by BOTH direct representation and population. Resulted in the 3/5ths Compromise.
    The Great Compromise
  7. The North made a concession to the South that allowed for every 5 enslaved people to be considered as 3 free men. Interestingly, this agreement still gave the North a slight numerical majority in Congress
    The 3/5ths Compromise
  8. Chief Justice John Jay signed a compromise with England that required the removal of British troops and limited American trade in the Caribbean
    Jay's Treaty
  9. Likewise, diplomat Thomas Pickney reached an agreement with the Spanish over territory in the South. It foreshadowed future conflicts over American expansion…
    Pinckney's Treaty
  10. By 1787, the government organized the northwest into states, which allowed for formal settlement
    Northwest Ordinance, 1787
  11. After American settlers clashed with the French over territory, President Jefferson authorized James Monroe to purchase the Louisiana Territory for $15 million in 1803. France needs the money so they take the deal
    Louisiana Purchase, 1803
  12. Only 2 states: Vermont—1777 Massachusetts—1783. The immediate removal of slavery
    Immediate Abolition
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History 151
Final Exam