Pharm-Chap 20

  1. What do Adrenergic drugs do?
    influence SNS activity
  2. What are adrenergic agonists?
    Sympathomimetics; augment sympathetic response
  3. Adrenergic antagonists
    sympatholytics; attenuate sympathetic-induced activity
  4. Mephenteramine
    • Wyamine
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
  5. Methoxamine
    • Vasoxyl
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
  6. Midodrine
    • ProAmatine
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
  7. *Oxymetazoline
    • Afrin/Visine
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
    • decreases nasal congestion and eye reddness
  8. *Phenylephrine
    What does it treat?
    • Neo-Synephrine
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
    • Treats hypotension and terminates supraventricular tachycardia
  9. *Pseudoephedrine
    Alpha-1 selective agonist
    what does it do?
    • Drixoral/Sudafed
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
    • -Decongestant
  10. Xylometazoline
    • Otrivin
    • Alpha-1 selective agonist
  11. Brimonidine
    • Alphagan
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
  12. Clonidine
    • Catapres, Duraclon
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
    • Anti-HTN and analgesic
    • antispasticity effects
    • Caution: causes hypotension
  13. Guanabenz
    • Wytensin
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
  14. Guanfacine
    • Tenex
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
  15. Methyldopa
    • Aldomet
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
  16. Tizanadine
    • Zanaflex
    • Alpha-2 Selective Agonist
    • treats spasticity; less likely to cause hypotension
  17. Dobutamine
    • Dobutrex
    • Beta-1 selective Agonist
  18. Dopamine
    • Intropin
    • Beta-1 selective Agonist
    • Stimulates HR and increases PVR (alpha-1 effect)
  19. Albuterol
    • Proventil, Ventolin
    • Beta-2-selective bronchodilator (Agonist)
  20. Ritodrine
    What does it inhibit?
    • Yutopar
    • Beta-2-selective bronchodilator (Agonist)
    • Inhibits premature labor-mediates relaxation of uterine muscle
  21. Name (6) drugs that have mixed alpha and beta agonist activity
    • Amphetamines-Dextroamphetamine (dexedrine), Methamphetamine (Desoxyn)
    • Ephedrine (generic)
    • Epinephrine- Adrenalin, Bronkaid Mist, Primatene Mist
    • Metaraminol (Aramine)
    • Norepinephrine (Levophed)
    • Phenylpropanolamine (Acutrim, Dexatrim, Progagest)
  22. Doxazosin
    • Cardura
    • Alpha Antagonist
    • relaxes smooth muscle (alpha-1 blocker)
    • tx BPH to decrease urinary retention
    • Antihypersensitive- decreases BP b/c decreases PVR
    • dc's total cholesterol and TG's
  23. Ergot Alkaloids- Ergotamine
    • Ergomar
    • Alpha Antagonist
    • can be a competitive
    • vasoconstricts low tone BV's and vasodialates high tone BV's
    • Prevents/ aborts vascular HA- cluster HA and migraines via vasoconstriction
  24. Ergoloid mesylate
    • Gerimal, hydergine
    • Alpha Antagonist
    • produces vasodialation
    • ic's mental acuity, alertness in Alzheimer pt.'s w/ dementia via ic'd cerbral blood flow
  25. Phenoxybenzamine
    • Dibenzyline
    • Alpha Antagonist
    • Noncompetitive alpha-1 blocker
  26. Phentolamine
    • Regitine
    • Competitive alpha antagonist
  27. Prazosin
    • Minipress
    • compeititive alpha-1 antagonist
    • Vasodialates veins and arteries
    • Rx essential HTN
  28. Terazosin
    • Hytrin
    • Alpha Antagonist
  29. Name (2) adverse effects of Alpha antagonists
    reflex tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension
  30. Acebutolol
    • Sectral
    • Beta Antagonist
  31. Atenolol
    • Tenormin
    • Beta Antagonist
    • Long term Rx of HTN, chronic, stable angina and MI
  32. Betaxolol
    • Kerlone
    • Beta Antagonist
  33. Bisoprolol
    • Zebeta
    • Beta Antagonist
  34. Carteolol
    • Cartrol
    • Beta Antagonist
  35. Labetalol
    • Normodyne, Trandate
    • Beta Antagonist
  36. Metoprolol
    • Lopressor, Toprol-XL
    • Beta Antagonist
  37. Nadolol
    • Corgard
    • Beta Antagonist
  38. Penbutolol
    • Levatol
    • Beta Antagonist
  39. Pindolol
    • Visken
    • Beta Antagonist
  40. Propranolol
    • Inderal
    • Beta Antagonist
    • classic non-selective beta blocker
    • Rx HTN, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, and prevention of MI
  41. Sotalol
    • Betapace
    • Beta Antagonist
  42. Timolol
    • Blocadren
    • Beta Antagonist
  43. Adverse effects of Beta Antagonists (5)
    • bronchoconstriction
    • dc'd cardiac function
    • orthostatic hypotension
    • depression
    • lethargy
  44. Bretylium
    • Bretylol
    • inhibits release of norepi form adrenergic nerve terminals
  45. Guanadrel
  46. Guanethidine
  47. Metyrosine
  48. Name (5) other drugs that inhibit adrenergic neurons
    • Bretylium
    • Guanadrel
    • Guanethidine
    • Metyrosine
    • Rauwolfia alkaloids
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Pharm-Chap 20
Adrenergic drugs