
  1. What is Psychology?
    It is the scientific study of thought and behavior.
  2. Define Cognitive Psychology
    The study of how we perceive, how we learn and remember, how we acquire and use language, and how we solve problems.

    [thought processes]
  3. Development Psychology
    The study of how thought and behavior change and remain stable across the life span.

    ["How does our reasoning skills or emotional skills change as we age?"]
  4. Define Behavioral Neuroscience
    The study of links among the brain, mind and behavior.
  5. Define: Biological Psychology
    The study of the relationship between bodily systems and chemicals and how they influence behavior and thought..
  6. Define: Personality Psychology
    the study of what makes people unique and the consistencies in people's behavior across time and situations.
  7. Define: Social Psychology
    the study of how living among others influences thought, feeling and behavior.
  8. Define: Clinical Psychology
    the study of the treatment of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders and the promotion psychological health.
  9. Define: Counseling Psychology
    Like Clinical psychologist but tend to work with less severe psychological disorders
  10. What is the difference between a clinical psychologist and a Psychiatrist?
    The psychiatrist can prescribe medicine; trains in medical school and has an MD Degree.
  11. Define: Health Psychology
    the study of the role that psychological factors play in regard to physical health and illness.
  12. Define: Educational Psychology
    the study of how students learn, the effectiveness of a particular teaching techniques, the social psychology of schools and the psychology of teaching.
  13. Where is School Psychology generally practiced?
    generally practiced by counselors in school settings
  14. Define: Industrial/Organizational [I/O] Psychology
    The application of psychological concepts and questions to work settings.
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