Anatomy Chapter 21

  1. What are cranial nerves?
    nerves that extend from the brain
  2. How many cranial nerves are there?
    12 pairs
  3. What is the name and number of the first cranial nerve?
    I - olfactory nerve
  4. What is the function of the first cranial nerve?
  5. What openins in the skull transmit the first cranial nerve?
    cribriform foramina
  6. What cranial nerve is transmitted by the foramina of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid?
    olfactory nerve
  7. What is the name and number of the second cranial nerve?
    II - optic nerve
  8. What is the function of the second cranial nerve?
  9. What opening in the skull transmits the second cranial nerve?
    optic foramen
  10. What is the name and number of the third cranial nerve?
    III - oculomotor
  11. What opening in the skull transmits the third cranial nerve?
    superior orbital fissure
  12. What is the name and number of the fourth cranial nerve?
    IV - trochlear nerve
  13. What opening in the skull transmits the fourth cranial nerve?
    superior orbital fissure
  14. What is the name and number of the fifth cranial nerve?
    V - trigeminal nerve
  15. What are the three branches of the fifth cranial nerve?
    opthalmic, maxillary, & mandibular
  16. What is the first branch of the fifth cranial nerve?
    What are its functions?
    • opthalmic branch
    • conducts sensory impulses from the cornea, nose, forehead, and anterior scalp
  17. What is the second branch of the fifth cranial nerve?
    What are its functions?
    • maxilaary branch
    • conducts sensory impulses from nasal mucosa, palate, gumes, & cheeks
  18. What is the third branch of the fifth cranial nerve?
    What are its functions?
    • mandibular branch
    • innervates muscle of mastication
  19. What openings in the skull transmit the fifth cranial nerve?
    • superior orbital fissure - opthalmic
    • foramen rotundum - maxillary
    • foramen ovale - mandibular
  20. What is the name and number of the sixth cranial nerve?
    VI - abducens
  21. What opening in the skull transmits the sixth cranial nerve?
    superior orbital fissure
  22. What is the name and number of the seventh cranial nerve?
    VII - facial nerve
  23. What are the functions of the seventh cranial nerve?
    taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
  24. What openings in the skull transmit the seventh cranial nerve?
    internal acoustic meatus & stylomastoid foramen
  25. What is the name and number of the eighth cranial nerve?
    VIII - vestibulocochlear nerve
  26. What are the functions of the eighth cranial nerve?
    equilibrium & hearing
  27. What opening in the skull transmits the eighth cranial nerve?
    internal acoustic meatus
  28. What is the name and number of the ninth cranial nerve?
    IX - glossopharyngeal nerve
  29. What are the functions of the ninth cranial nerve?
    sensation & taste
  30. What opening in the skull transmits the ninth cranial nerve?
    jugular foramen
  31. What is the name and number of the tenth cranial nerve?
    X - vagus
  32. What opening in the skull transmits the tenth cranial nerve?
    jugular foramen
  33. What is the name and number of the eleventh cranial nerve?
    XI - accessory nerve
  34. What opening in the skull transmits the eleventh cranial nerve?
    jugular foramen
  35. What is the name and number of the twelfth cranial nerve?
    XII - hypoglossal
  36. What opening transmits the twlefth cranial nerve?
    hypoglossal canal
  37. What are the two functions of the spinal cord?
    • pathway for sensory and motor impulses
    • spinal reflex
  38. What is the general shape of the spinal cord in cross-section?
  39. What depressions lie on the anterior and posterior surface of the spinal cord?
    posterior, anterior & medial
  40. Where does the spinal cord begin and end in an adult?
    Starts at the brain and ends at L1
  41. What is the cauda equina?
    • nerves that project inferiorly from the spinal cord
    • means "horses tail"
  42. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
  43. How does the dura mater within the vertebral canal differ from the dura within the cranial cavity?
    consists of 1 layer and not 2
  44. What portion of the spinal cord is composed of dendrites and cell bodies of neurons and glial cells and un myelinated axons?
    gray matter
  45. What portion of the spinal cord is composed of myelinated axons?
    white matter
  46. Within the spinal cord, where is gray matter located and how it it shaped?
    • centrally
    • H-shaped
  47. Within the spinal cord, what are the anterior masses of gray matter that contain the cell bodies of somatic motor neurons?
    anterior horns
  48. Within the spinal cord from T1-L2, what structures contain the cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons?
    lateral horns
  49. Within the spinal cord, what are the posterior masses of gray matter that contain the axons of sensory neurons and the cell bodies of interneurons?
    posterior horns
  50. What horizontal bar of gray matter surrounds the central canal of the spinal cord?
    gray commissure
  51. What fills the central canal of the spinal cord?
    cerebrospinal fluid
  52. Within the regions of the spinal cord's gray matter, what are the various functional groups of neuron cell bodies?
  53. Where does the white matter of the spinal cord lie in relation to the gray matter?
  54. The white matter of the spinal cord is partitioned into thre regions. What are they called?
    posterior, lateral & anterior funiculus
  55. Anteriorly and posteriorly, what are the small attachments of a spinal nerve to the spinal cord?
  56. The numerous small attachments of a spinal nerve to the spinal cord converge to form what structures?
    anterior & posterior root
  57. The cell bodies of sensory neurons associated with the spinal cord are found in what structures?
    posterior root ganglion
  58. The cell bodies of motor neurons within the spinal cord are found in what structures?
    anterior horn
  59. Spinal nerves are formed by the convergence of what structures within what structure?
    anterior posterior roots within the intervertebral foramen
  60. What are the two main branches of a spinal nerve?
    posterior & anterior ramus
  61. What branches of a spinal nerve are associated with the autonomic nervous system?
    rami communicantes
  62. What is a specific segment of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve?
  63. What is a network of interweaving anterior rami of spinal nerves?
    nerve plexuses
  64. The anterior rami of T1-T11 travel in intercostal spaces. What are these nerves called?
    intercostal nerves
  65. What term is used to refer to T12 because it lies below the ribs rather than between them?
    subcostal nerve
  66. In general, what do intercostal nerves innervate?
    intercostal muscles
  67. The cervical plexus arises from what spinal nerves?
  68. What branch of the cervical plexus innervates the diaphragm?
    phrenic nerve
  69. The brachial plexus arises from what spinal nerves?
  70. Where is the brachial plexus located?
    lateral neck & axilla
  71. What regions of the body does the brachial plexus innervate?
    pectoral girdle & upper extremity
  72. What is the motor innervation of the axillary nerve?
    deltoid & teres minor
  73. What is the cutaneous innervation of the axillary nerve?
    superolateral portion
  74. What is the motor innervation of the median nerve?
    • most anterior forearm muscles
    • thenar muscles
    • lateral muscles
  75. What is the cutaneous innervation of the median nerve?
    palmar aspects & dorsal tips of lateral 3 1/2 digits
  76. What is the motor innervation of the musculocutaneous nerve?
    anterior arm muscles
  77. What is the cutaneous innervation of the musculocutaneous nerve?
    lateral surface of forearm
  78. What is the motor innervation of the radial nerve?
    • posterior arm muscles
    • posterior forearm muscles
  79. What is the cutaneous innervation of the radial nerve?
    • posterior region of arm
    • posterior region of forearm
    • dorsolateral side of hand
  80. What is the motor innervation of the ulnar nerve?
    • anterior forearm muscles
    • intrinsic muscles of the hand
  81. What is the cutaneous innervation of the ulnar nerve?
    dorsal & palmar aspects of medail 1 1/2 digits
  82. The lumbar plexus arises from the anterior rami of what spinal nerves?
  83. What is the main nerve of the posterior division of the lumbar plexus?
    femoral nerve
  84. What is the motor innervation of the femoral nerve?
    anterior thigh muscles & pectineus
  85. What is the cutaneous innervation of the femoral nerve?
    anterior thigh, inferomedial thigh, & most medial aspect of foot
  86. What is the main nerve of the anterior division of the lumbar plexus?
    obturator nerve
  87. What ist he motor innervation of the obturator nerve?
    medial thigh muscles
  88. What is the cutaneous innervation of the obturator nerve?
    superomedial skin of the thigh
  89. The anterior rami of what spinal nerves form the sacral plexus?
  90. What are the two main divisions of the sacral plexus?
    anterior & posterior
  91. Nerves of teh sacral plexus arising from the anterior division tend to innervate what muscles?
    muscles that flex (or plantar flex) parts of the lower limb
  92. Nerves of the sacral plexus arising from the posterior division tend to innervate what muscles?
    muscles that extend (or dorsiflex) parts of the lower limb
  93. What is the largesy and longest nerve in the body?
    sciatic nerve
  94. What nerve is formed from the anterior divisions of the sciatic nerve?
    tibial nerve
  95. What division of what nerve innervates the hamstrings?
    tibial division of the sciatic nerve
  96. Within the leg, what nerve innervates the plantar flexors of the foot and the flexors of the toes?
    tibial nerve
  97. What is the cutaneous innervation of the tibial nerve?
    plantar surface of the foot
  98. What nerve is formed from the posterior division of the sciatic nerve?
    common fibular nerve
  99. What division of what nerve innervates the short head of the biceps femoris?
    common fibular division of the sciatic nerve
  100. What are the two main divisions of the common fibular nerve?
    deep & superficial
  101. What is the motor innervation of the deep fibular nerve?
    anterior leg muscles & muscles of the dorsum of the foot
  102. What is the cutaneous innervation of the deep fibular nerve?
    skin between first and second toes
  103. What is the motor innervation of the superficial fibular nerve?
    lateral leg muscles
  104. What is the cutaneous innervation of the superficial fibular nerve?
    anteroinferior part of the leg & most of dorsum of the foot
  105. What nerve has the following motor and cutaneous innervation? Motor - Posterior arm muscles & the posterior forearm muscels. Cutaneous - Posterior arm and forearm surface and the dorsolateral side of hand.
    radial nerve
Card Set
Anatomy Chapter 21
Peripheral Nervous System