Are assessment and test the same?
No.Testing and assessment are related, but not synonymous terms.
A set of tasks or questions intended to elicit particular behaviors or responses.
A process of gathering information in order to make decisions.
Special Education Assessment
Systematic process of gathering educationally relevant information to make legal and instructional decisions about the provision of special services.
Special Education Assessment Process
- Identification and Referral
- Determining Eligibility
- Program Planning
- Program Implementation and Evaluation
Identification and Referral Steps
Sources of Identification: by teachers primarily, parents, counselors, peers, admin, tests, screenings
Prereferal Interventions: Done by teachers primarily, should check with others first, RtI, not always referred.
Referral and notification of parents: In writing/letter and in primary or native language.
Decision to asses: By who? The referral committe (counselor, general ed, special ed, admin) Not all kids are assessed. 90% will be evaluated, 73% eligible. Not all are assessed.
Determining SPED eligibility Steps
Parental Permission for testing: 30 days to to give consent, if not may have a hearing with TEA
- Comprehensive in-depth assessment:
- *Assess students only where needed, individualized. Such as: academic, sight, hearing, emotional, health, intelligence, communication, motor skills and social skills
- *Not all are assessed.
- *90% will be evaluated
- *73% eligible for SPED
- *90 days to Assessment and report to parent!
- Team of Professionals and parents determine eligibility-Transition at age 14-16 (student required to be at ARD)
- -TEAM: admin, general ed, special ed, diagnostition, specialist (maybe), parent (94.142 IDEA), student, Doctor/counselor/lawyer
- -Need 2 requirements:
- 1. Affects educational Performance (below 2 standard diviations)
- 2. Disability (13)
- before developmental age/period of 18!!!
SPED Program Planning includes the following two:
- Parental agreement to the IEP
- 1. Implementation of IEP
- 2. Ongoing monitoring of student progress
- 3. Annual review of IEP
- 4. Three yr reevaluation of eligibility
Which are the two legal decisions?
Identification and Classification/Eligibility decissions
Which are the two instructional decisions?
Instructional planning and Pupil progress decisions
Process of collecting information to make decisions for our students or school is called...
Evaluation that is continous as the child is learning...
Summative Evaluation is...
When tests are at the end of instruction....6th weeks test or TAKS
Ongoing monitoring of student progress is summative or formative?
Annual review of IEP in ARD is summative or informative?
Summative evaluation
Why is there a 3 year reevaluation?
- To evaluate the student.
- To evaluate the program.
- To report tho parents and agencies.
- Look at pg 6
instructional planning is used for
- 1. What to teach
- 2. How to teach
- 3. What expectations are realistic
Evidence based instructional practices was mandated by:
What are the steps of an assessment process?
- Child with problem
- Student teacher assistant team (STAT) Gather referral data
- Is there a possible disability and a dumented need for special ed
- *if no 504
- *if yes Sped accepts referral data (IDEA 94.192)
- Complete eligibility assessment
- Is there a legally defined disability?
- *if no 504
- *if yes
- ARD (Does the most appropriate program include SPED?)
- *if no 504
- *if yes
- Develop IEP
- Student in appropriate SPED Program
What provides us equal protection & due process
14th amendment
Section 504 allowed what provisions (PL 93-112)
it is illegal to deny participation or descriminate againts a person w disabilities, must have equal rights and services must b provided.
Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (PL 94-142) provisions arem:
- Zero reject-education for all
- IEP on file
- Fair & nondiscriminatory Assessment
- Due process
PL 99-457 Ed for all Hand. C. Act 1986
rights r extended to preschoolers w disabilities , grants provided from birth to 2yr olds, FAPE extended
PL 101-476 IDEA 1990
- Renamed the Act
- Two new disabilities catevories: traumatic brain injury & autism
- Transition addressed in IEP by 16
PL 105-17 IDEA 1997
- Regular education teacher part of IEP
- Preassessment ARD
- Changes in IEP and participation in State and district assessments mandated
- PBIS plans on IEP and FBA (Functional Behavior Analysis)
What was added in P.L 107-110 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001?
- 100% grade proficiency by 2014
- Highly qualified teachers
- Annual Tests in grades 3-8
- Title 1 funds-for disadvantaged students
- Requires to report on annual progress for all students in cluding SPED
- parents can transfer their kids if school is in "failing list" for 2 years
- Students in "failing schools" for 3 years can get more help such as private tutoring.
2004 Reauthorization of IDEA P.L 108-446 added what provisions?
- New approaches to prevent over identifications by race and ethnicity
- Shor-term objectives deleted from most IEP (except TAKS ALT)
- RTI (evidenced based instruction) may be used to identify LD (to reduce paper work)
Why was P.L. 94-142 Education for ALL Handicapped Children Act of 1975Ammended?
It was ammended in 1986, 1990, 1997, and 2004, because each ammendment provided additional rights to improve the quality of education for SPED students. Also because it needed to be reathorized, ammended and updated.
Federal Law Mandates what 2 things?
- Students must be assessed before being eligible for SPED services
- Students with disabilities must have an IEP based on a full individual evaluation
What does P.L 93-380 (FERPA/Buckley Amendment) say?
- Parents have the right to inspect, challenge, and correct their childrens record, including assessments info
- Agencies must not release indentifiable data without parents written consent (confidentiality)
When does the parent need permission to view their childs data?
When the child turns 18!
What are the 5 ethical concerns professionals who assess students should have?
- Responsibility for the consequences of ones work
- Recognize the boundaries of one's competence
- Confidentiality of information
- Adhere to professional standards on assessments
- Test security
When collecting SPED student info what must be taken into consideration?
- Must have:
- Informed consent of parent (pupil) in the primary language and writen so that they can understand the consequences of their decisions.
- Verification that the info/data/assessment is correct or accurate. Musthave Interobserver realibility (2 people)
When MAINTAINING INFORMATION of SPED student what must be taken into consideration?
- Maintain only as long as needed
- Parents have the right to inspect, challenge and supplement
- Protect from snoopers
When should records be examined/maintained?
When info is no longer relevent or accurate, it should be removed. Ussually at students ARD or Transition (K-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Disseminatipon of SPED student info what must be taken into consideration?
- Protect students' and parents' right of privacy
- legitimate need to know (individuals and agencies must sign form stating need and list should be available to parents)
- Information communicated in language that general public can understand