Greek Derivatives

  1. bios
    • life;
    • biology, biographer, microbe, biological
  2. athlos
    • contest;
    • athlete, athletic, athletics
  3. angolos
    • messenger;
    • angel, evangelical, angelical
  4. chronos
    • time;
    • chronic, chronology, chronic
  5. aster
    • star;
    • aster, asteroid, astrology
  6. chier
    • hand;
    • surgeon, surgery, surgical
  7. biblos
    • book;
    • bible, biblical, bibliographical
  8. auto
    • self;
    • authentic, auto, autobiography
  9. algos
    • pain;
    • neuralgia, nostalgia
  10. echo, hek, sche-, ock-
    • to have;
    • epoch, scheme, schemer
  11. archo
    • lead, rule;
    • anarch, archaeology, archive
  12. agon
    • contest, struggle;
    • agonize, agony, antagonism
  13. ballo
    • to throw;
    • diabolic, emblem, hyperbole, problem
  14. dokeo
    • to think;
    • dogma, dogmatic, orthodox
  15. baino
    • to walk;
    • acrobat, basal, base, baseboard
  16. anthropos
    • man;
    • anthropoid, misanthrope, philanthropic
  17. didomi
    • to give;
    • anecdot, antidote, dose
  18. ergon
    • work;
    • argon, energetic, energize
  19. demos
    • the people;
    • demagogue, democracy, democrat
  20. ago
    • to lead;
    • aeroplane, air, strategic, strategic
  21. allos
    • another;
    • allegorical, allegory, parallelism
  22. gamos
    • wedding;
    • bigamy, polygamy
  23. aeido
    • to sing;
    • comedian, comedy, melody
  24. agora
    • assembly;
    • allegorical category, panegyric
  25. aion
    • age;
    • aegis
  26. akademia
    • academy;
    • academic, academical, academician
  27. akros
    • topmost;
    • acrobat, acrobatic, acropolis
  28. deka
    • ten;
    • dean, decade, deanery
  29. aura
    • breeze;
    • aura, soar
  30. chaino
    • yawn;
    • chasm
  31. drao
    • do, act, or preform;
    • drama, dramatic, drastic,
  32. grapho
    • draw or write;
    • graphic, kilogram, parallelogram, paragraph
  33. holos
    • whole;
    • catholic, holocaust
  34. kenteo
    • stab;
    • center, concentrate, eccentric
  35. logo
    • word;
    • apologetic, apology, theology, zoologist
  36. meter
    • mother;
    • metropolis, metropolitan
  37. mimos
    • imitator;
    • mime, mimic, mimieograph
  38. nomes
    • custom or law;
    • astronomer, binomial, economy, economize
  39. oikos
    • house;
    • diocesan, diocese, economic
  40. rhis, rhin-
    • nose;
    • rhine, rhinoceros
  41. stratos
    • army;
    • stratagem, strategic, strategy
  42. tatto, tak
    • assign, assess;
    • overtax, surtax syntax
  43. topos
    • place, position;
    • topic, topical, topographical
  44. phone
    • sound, voice;
    • anthem, telephone, phonograph
  45. onoma, onyma
    • name, word;
    • anonymous, antonym, synonym
  46. mythos
    • speech, tale;
    • myth, mythical, mythology
  47. lanbro, lab-, lep-, lem-
    • to take, seize;
    • astrolabe, dilemma, epilepsy
  48. lyo
    • to loose, dissolve;
    • analysis, analytic, analytical
  49. mechos
    • means, contrivance;
    • machination, machine, mechanist
  50. theaomai
    • behold, view;
    • amphitheater, theatric, theorize
  51. ge
    • earth;
    • geography, geology, geometry
  52. hodos
    • road, way
    • electrode, episode, exodus
  53. genos, gon-
    • race, offspring;
    • cosmogony, hydrogen, cyanogen
  54. gignosko, gno-
    • recognize;
    • diagnose, physiognomy
  55. heteros
    • the other, different;
    • heterodox, heterogeneous
  56. henzomai, hed-
    • to sit;
    • chair, cathedral, chaise
  57. hippos
    • horse;
    • hippodrome, hippopotamus
  58. histemi, sta-, ste-
    • to stand;
    • apostasy, ecstasy, rheostat
  59. homos
    • one in the same;
    • anomalous, homily, homogeneous
  60. hydor
    • water;
    • hydrant, hydraulic, hydrogen
  61. idein, eid-
    • to see;
    • idea, ideal, idol
  62. kaio, kau-,
    • to kindle, burn;
    • calm, caustic, cauterize
  63. kosmos
    • order, universe;
    • cosmetic, cosmic, cosmogoy
  64. krateo
    • to rule, control;
    • aristocracy, autocrat, bureaucracy
  65. krypto
    • to hide;
    • apocryphal, crypt, grotesque
  66. lego, log-
    • to pick, gather;
    • anthology, catalogue, dialect
  67. micros
    • little, small;
    • microbe, microcosm, microscope
  68. misos
    • hatred;
    • misanthrope, misogamy, misology
  69. monos
    • alone;
    • minister, monarch, monogamy
  70. nomos
    • custom, law, principle;
    • astronomy, autonomy, binomial
  71. onoma
    • name;
    • anonymous, antonym, synonym
  72. orthos
    • straight, right;
    • orthodox, orthography
  73. oxys
    • keen, sharp;
    • dioxide, oxidize, onxygen
  74. pais, paid-
    • child;
    • encyclopedia, pedagogue, pedant
  75. pas-, pant-
    • every, entire, all;
    • panacea, pancreas, panegyrie
  76. panthein
    • to experience, feel, suffer;
    • antipathy, apathy, pathetic
  77. petra
    • rock, stone;
    • parsley, petrify, petroleum
  78. phagein
    • to eat;
    • esophagus, sarcophagus
  79. phaino, phan-
    • to show, make appear;
    • emphasis, fancy, fantastic
  80. phemi
    • to say, speak;
    • blame, blaspheme, prophecy
  81. phero, phor-
    • to bear, carry, bring;
    • metaphor, paraphernalia, periphery
  82. philo, phil-
    • love;
    • philanthropist, philogyny, bibliophile
  83. phobia
    • fear;
    • acrophobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia
  84. phos, phot-
    • light;
    • phosphate, photograph
  85. polis
    • city, state;
    • acropolis, cosmopolitan, metropolis, police
  86. poly-
    • much, many;
    • polygamy, polyglot, polyp
  87. pous, podos
    • foot;
    • antipodes, octopus, pew
  88. sarx, sark-
    • flesh;
    • sarcasm, sarcophagus
  89. skopeo, skep-
    • behold, examine;
    • bishop, horoscope, microscope
  90. sophos
    • wise;
    • philosophy, sophist, sophisticated
  91. strepho, stroph-
    • turn about, twist;
    • apostrophe, catastrophe, strap
  92. teino, ten-, ta-, ton-
    • stretch out, strain;
    • attune, hypotenuse, intonation
  93. temnom, tom-
    • cut, divide;
    • anatomy, appendectomy, atom
  94. theomai
    • to behold;
    • amphitheater, theorem, theory
  95. theos
    • god;
    • apotheosis, antheist, enthusiam
  96. tithemi, the-
    • to put, place;
    • anathema, antithesis, apothecary
  97. zao, zo-
    • live;
    • zodiac, zoo
  98. talaton
    • balance;
    • talent, talented
  99. myxa
    • discharge;
    • match, matchlock
  100. aristos
    • best;
    • aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic
  101. aer
    • lower air;
    • aerate, aerial, aircraft
  102. aeiro
    • to lift, raise up;
    • meteor, meteoric, meteorological
  103. bombos
    • booming, humming;
    • bomb, bombard, rebound
  104. brachion
    • arm;
    • brace, bracelet, embrace
Card Set
Greek Derivatives
Greek words and their definitions/derivatives