Musical Terms #2

  1. a due
    • the two instruments should play in unison and is
    • often used after a divisi or where one instrument has played solo
  2. allein
    alone, single, solo, only
  3. al niente
    to nothing
  4. arpeggiando
    to arpeggiate successive chords
  5. attacca
    at once, attack, immediately
  6. bouche
    blocked, stopped up
  7. chiuso
    closed, stopped
  8. colla parte
    with the soloist
  9. dampfer
    muffler, silencer, vibration damper
  10. en dehors
    step or turn of the body is performed away from supporting leg
  11. flatterzunge
    flutter tonguing
  12. gestopft
    'stopped' as with the hand in the bell of a horn to raise the pitch of an unstopped note by a semitone
  13. glissando
    glide from one pitch to another
  14. laissez vibrer
    let them vibrate
  15. marcato
    marked, accented
  16. morendo
    dying away, diminishing
  17. ossia
    alternative, not necessarily easier,to original passage
  18. otez
    take off
  19. parlente
    speaking, talking, lifelike
  20. piacere
    to be pleasing
  21. portando la voce
    holding the voice firmly on the note
  22. pult
    orchestral music stands for two players
  23. segue
    go on without a break
  24. sforzando
    strongly accented
  25. simile
  26. sordino
  27. sotto voce
    as an aside
  28. staccato
    detached, separated
  29. stimme
    voice, part
  30. stimmung
  31. subito
    quick, sudden
  32. tacet
    in a player's part to indicate a movement in which he or she does not play
  33. tenuto
    held, held on
  34. tremolo
  35. trill
    a musical ornament or embellishment consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes of a scale
  36. troppo
    too, too much
  37. tutti
    all Play
  38. legato
    smooth playing style in which the notes seem bound together
  39. stentato
    forced, emphasized, loud
  40. ripieno
    marks part played by the whole orchestra
Card Set
Musical Terms #2
German, Italian, French Terms