
  1. Allegory
    A story or visual image with a second distinct meaning particularly hidden behind its literal or visible meaning. Can be concieved as an extended metaphor
  2. Low angle shot
    Makes the subject look powerful and commanding.
  3. Eye level shot
    Creates a sense of equality between subject and viewer.
  4. High angle shot
    Subject appears weak, inferior or under pressure.
  5. Target Audience
    Those who read, view or hear a text specifically aimed at by the author
  6. Comparison and contrast
    Draws readers attention to differences and similarities.
  7. Composition
    The way the whole has been put together and the arrangement of elements within a visual text.
  8. Context
    Cultural, historical, social, situational and personal circumstances in which a text is composed and responded to.
  9. Contrast
    Compares before and after. Changes in perspective, point of view and colour and saturation style can be made to imply or state changes
  10. Deconstruct
    Respond to a text in an analytical manner by pulling it apart and critically examining each component.
  11. Dialogue and word choice
    Language or narrator and/or characters, or speech bubbles in cartoons
  12. Exaggeration
    Deliberately enlarge, or make effect dominate or emphatic
  13. Framing
    This is the way that the subject is placed in the photograph, painting or film frame.
  14. Imagery and symbolism
    Relying on associations with particular colours, signs , symbols and images to enhance significance or works implicitly by intensifying our response.
  15. Irony
    The meaning that the audience is to understand differs from what seems to be shown
  16. Juxtaposition
    To differentiate ideas, attitudes or objects by placing them in proximity.
  17. Language (persuasive)
    Any language that triggers an emotional response in, or attempts to change the attitudes of, a viewer reader or listener.
  18. Layout
    Arrangement of text and images on a printed page. Layout is another way that meaning can be conveyed.
  19. Light and shade
    Refers to the brightness and it can include elements such as shadows.
  20. Metalanguage
    Metalanguage is the language of a particular subject
  21. Mood
    Colour can set the mood: bright colours used to convey a sense of fun and happiness while dull colours can convey gloom and sadness.
  22. Perpective
    The angle from which you view a text. The perspective will often suggest a certain attitude or tone.
  23. Positioning
    The placement of a particular feature in relation to other elements
  24. Size
    Consider the size of various features often in terms of the whole or other parts
  25. Symbol
    Picture, language or diagram used to represent something else, or to evoke a certain imagery
  26. Text style
    Consider the font, colour, size and placement used in the text
  27. Texture
    The roughness or smoothness or an image
  28. Title
    Consider the significance of the text and language of the title
  29. Tone
    Refers to the attitude or voice of the composer.
  30. Vector
    The direction of the sight lines which the eyes are drawn to follow. They lead the viewer from one element to another. They can be visible or invisible (created by gaze, pointing fingers, extended arms, etc)
Card Set
Techniques used to analyse a visual image and their definition/description.