Collation (n)
a light meal
Colloquial (adj)
pertaining to conversational or common speech
Colloquy (n)
informal discussion
Comity (n)
courtesy; civility
Commensurate (adj)
corresponding in extent, degree, amount, etc; proportionate
Commiserate (v)
feel or express pity or sympathy for
Commodius (adj)
spacious and comfortable
Compendium (n)
brief, comprehensive summary
Complaisant (adj)
trying to please; overly polite; obliging
Complicity (n)
involvement in a crime; participation
Comport (v)
to bear one's self; behave
Concatenate (v)
link as a chain
Concilliatory (adj)
reconciling; soothing
Concomitant (n)
that which accompanies
Condign (adj)
appropriate; deserved (almost always, in the sense of deservedly severe, as in condign punishment)
Conflagration (n)
great fire
Conflate (v)
meld or fuse; confuse; combine into one
Confluence (n)
flowing together; corwd
Congenial (adj)
pleasant; friendly
Conjecture (v)
infer on the basis of insufficient data; surmise; guess
Conjugal (adj)
pertaining to marriage
Connivance (n)
pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance; permission to offend
Connubial (adj)
pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state
Consanguinity (n)
Conscript (n)
draftee; person forced into military service
Consequential (adj)
self-important; pompous
Conservatory (n)
school of the fine arts (esp music or drama)
Consign (v)
to deliver officialy; entrust; set apart
Consonance (n)
harmony; agreement
Consummate (adj)
wholly without flaw; supremely skilled; complete and utter
Contingent (n)
group that makes up part of a gathering
Contravene (v)
to contradit; oppose; infringe on or tansgress
Controvert (v)
Oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict
Conversant (adj)
familiar with
Convivial (adj)
festive; gay
Convoke (v)
call together
Cordon (n)
extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress
Countenance (v, n)
- (v) approve; tolerate
- (n) face
Countermand (v)
cancel; revoke
Cow (v)
terrorize; intimidate
Cozen (v)
cheat; hoodwink; swindle
Crabbed (adj)
sour; peevish
Credulity (n)
belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivete
Crestfallen (adj)
dejected; dispirited
Crotchety (adj)
eccentric; whimsical
Crux (n0
essential or main point
Crypt (n)
secret recess or vault usually used for burial
Cursory (adj)
casual; hastily done
Cynosure (n)
object of general attention
Dais (n)
raised platform for guests of honor
Deadpan (adj)
wooden; impassive
Debacle (n)
sudden downfall; complete disaster
Debase (v)
to reduce the quality or value; lowen in esteem; degrade
Debauch (v)
corrupt; seduce from virtue