Bact E3, II

  1. E coli VS Salmonella cultured on Mac:
    • Salmonella-> No color (NLF)
    • E Coli -> Pink (LF)
  2. Carriers of Salmonella (4):
    • Rats/Mice (#1)
    • Food animals
    • Birds
    • Fish
  3. What can induce Salmonella infection?
    • Stress
    • Abx
    • Fasting
  4. Clinical Manifestations of Salmenllosis:
    • Enteritis/Diarrhea
    • Septicemia
    • Abortion
  5. Cyanosis in pigs is caused by...?
    Salmonella choleraesuis
  6. Necrotizing gut lesions may be caused by...?
  7. Salmonella Typhimurium infects which species?
    What does it cause?
    • many animals
    • humans

    • Enteritis
    • Septicemia
    • Abortion
    • Food Poisoning
  8. Salmonella Dublin infects what species?
    What does it cause?
    • Cattle
    • Sheep
    • Horses
    • Dogs

    • Enteritis
    • Septicemia
    • Abortion (cows)
    • Food Poisoning
  9. Salmonella Cholerausuis infects what species?
    What does it cause?

    • Enteritis
    • Septicemia
  10. Salmonella Enteritidis infects what species?What does it cause?
    • Poultry
    • Humans
    • + many others

    • Subclinical (poultry)
    • Food Poisoning (humans)
  11. Salmonella Pullorum infects what species?What does it cause?

    Pullorun diarrhea/Bacillary White Diarrhea (rare)
  12. Salmonella Gallimarum infects what species?What does it cause?
    Adult birds

    Fowl typhoid (rare)
  13. Salmonella Typhi infects what species?
    What does it cause?
    Humans only

  14. S. typhorium usually infects which species when immunosuppressed
    • Horses
    • Dogs
    • Cats
  15. Which Salmonella serovars infect poultry
    • S. gallinarum
    • S. pullorum
  16. How is salmonellosis prevented?
    • Prevent exposure to contaminated feed, environment and carriers
    • Reduce Stress
  17. Tx for salmonellosis causing endotoxemia in horses
    • Antiserum IV
    • No ABx PO
  18. Tx for salmonellosis causing systemic infections?
    • Parenteral drugs
    • No Abx PO
  19. What bacteria has a characteristic swarming growth on BA?
  20. Clinical Manifestations of Proteus infections in dogs:
    • UTI
    • Otitis Externa
  21. Tx of Proteus:
    Cult/Sens (++ Resistance)
  22. What pathogen causes the plague?
    Yersinia pestis
  23. Yersinia entercolita infects what species? What does it cause?
    • Dogs (rare)
    • Humans

    • Enteritis (dogs)
    • Mesenteric lymphadenitis (humans)
  24. ___ is a carrier for Y entercolitica
  25. Yersinia pestis infects what species?
    • humans
    • cats
    • dogs
  26. A blood smear w/ bipolar rods may be indicative of...
    Y pestis
  27. Forms of Feline Plague:
    • Bubonic (less serious)
    • Septicemic (acute)
    • Penunomic
  28. Dx of feline plague (4):
    • Symptoms
    • Blood/aspirate smear (bipolar rods)
    • Culture
    • Serology
  29. Tx of feline plague:
    • Abx, Tetracycline
    • Treat for fleas
    • Rodent Control
  30. What typ of yersinia multiplies in the fridge?
    Y entercolitica
  31. ____ is found in healthy swine tonsils
    Yersinia Enterocolitica
  32. What causes bacillary dysentery in humans and monkey?
  33. What species are resistent to shigella?
    • Food animals
    • Horses
    • Dogs (clinically resistant)
  34. What forms green colonies on MAC?
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  35. Morphology of Pseudomonas
    G- Rods
  36. In general, what predisposes animals to Pseudomonas aeruginosas(4)?
    • Immunosuppression
    • Injury/burns
    • Excess Abx
    • Contaminated Sx instruments
  37. What predisposes cattle to Pseudomonas aeruginosas?
    Contaminated intramammary infusions
  38. What predisposes sheep to Pseudomonas aeruginosas?
    What does it cause?
    Excess Fleece wetting

    green wool dz
  39. What predisposes cats/dogs to Pseudomonas aeruginosas?
    What does it cause?
    Ear mites/Otitis externa

    • UTI
    • Keratitis
    • Pneumonia
  40. What predisposes rabbits to Pseudomonas aeruginosas?
    What does it cause?
    Dental Dz

    Moist Dermititis (blue fur)
  41. What does Pseudomonas aeruginosas cause in horses?
    • Genital tract infections
  42. In general, Pseudomonas aeruginosas infections may occur when...
    • wounds
    • burns
  43. Pseudomonas aeruginosas in minks?
    Hemorrhagic pneumonia
  44. Dx Pseudomonas aeruginosas
    • Colorless - Green on Mac
    • Oxidase +
  45. Tx for Pseudomonas aeruginosas
    • Gentamicin/Amikacin
    • Polymyxin B (topical)
    • +resistance
  46. Pseudomonas aeruginosas Vx?
    Available for minks
Card Set
Bact E3, II
Bact E3, II Salmo-