The crust of the Earth has two components. They are _____ and _____.
Continental, Oceanic
Continental rocks are situated at a higher elevation than the oceanic rocks because continental rocks are ____ dense.
The composition of the Continental crust is _____, and the composition of the oceanic crust is _____.
Felsic, Mafic
The density of the Mantle varies from _____ to _____ g/cm3
3.3, 4.5
The _____ includes the whole crust, and the upper part of the Mantle.
The Earth's core is made of _____ in the _____ state in the outer core and _____ state in the inner.
iron, liquid, solid
What is the name of the Earth's layer that is in a plastic state?
This plastic layer is made of _____ and _____.
rocks, magma
The average thickness of the lithosphere is about _____ km, and the thickness of the asthenosphere is about _____ km.
100, 600
The sinking and the uplifting of the lithosphere due to loading and unloading is known as ____.
Out of the two seismic body wave types the _____ are faster than _____ waves.
Primary, Secondary
Seismic _____ waves do not go through liquids or gasses.
Which type of seismic waves indicate that the Earth's outer core is liquid.
Earth's _____ field indicates that the Earth's core is made of Iron.
The difference between the crust and the mantle is in their _____.
The difference between the lithosphere and the asthnosphere is in their _____.
The solid outer shell of the Earth is called the _____.
The _____ and the Earth share similar internal compositions because they both formed from the same nebula.
Isostasy indicates that the lithosphere of the Earth is _____ on the asthenosphere.
The ocean floor around large seamounts is _____ due to the weight of the seamounts.
The California lithosphere is a giant block of rocks that is about _____ km (_____ miles) thick
80 (48)
The lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary is _____ than the crust/mantle boundary.
The physical state "Plastic" is a combincation of _____ and _____ states.
solid, liquid
_____ and _____ increases with increasing depth into the Earth.
temperature, pressure
Increasing _____ makes solids go to liquids, and increasing _____ makes liquids go to solids.
temperature, pressure