pharm exam 2

  1. impairment of speech sounds
  2. liquid preparation such as syrup
  3. buring mouth or mucosal tissues
  4. weakness affecting one side of the body
  5. a semisolid preparation for external areas of the body
  6. a clinical sign in which mucosa dislodges from the underlying connective tissue when rubbed
    positive nikolsky sign
  7. AO
    alveolar osteitis
  8. BMD
    burning mouth disorder
  9. CP
    cicatricial pemphigoid
  10. EM
    erythema multiforme
  11. HSV
    herpes simplex virus
  12. NUG
    necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
  13. OLP
    oral lichen planus
  14. RAS
    reccurrent aphthous stomatitis
  15. RHL
    recurrent herpes labialis
  16. SJS
    stevens johnson syndrome
  17. TEN
    toxic epidermal necrolysis
  18. what is the most common dermatologic disease in the mouth?
    oral lichen planus OLP
  19. what is the most comm oral mucosal disease?
    RAS-recurrent aphthous stomatitis (CANKER SORE)
  20. what are three topical corticosteroids used on oral ulcerations?
    • clobetasol proprionate
    • flucinonide
    • tramcinolone
  21. what is the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment for OLP?
    • primary-topical corticosteroid (ointments, gells, elixirs
    • secondary-systemic steroid (prednisone)
    • tertiary-long term corticosteroid regimens
  22. what is the primary therapy for RAS?
    • OTC products
    • topical steroid preparations (clobetasol proprionate, fluocinonide, triamcinolone)
    • Nonsteroid topical (amlexanox
  23. what is the secondary line of treatment for RAS?
    systemic corticosteroid (prednisone)
  24. what is the tertiary line of therapy for RAS?
    chronic systemic corticosteroids regimen or THALIDOMIDE
  25. t/f herpetic infections can be cured with a systemic corticosteriod
    FALSE! no cure tailor therapy to individual pt, increases the healing time approx 1 day
  26. t/f with herpetic infections the best therapy is kenelog cream
    FALSE! Do not use kenelog cream and never use steroids
  27. what should you advise your pt to do for xerostomia? 8
    • maintain hydration
    • use fluoride dentifrice twice daily
    • use sodium fuoride rinses
    • remove and clean prostheses at night
    • avoid alcohol tobacco acidic or spicy food, fruits and veggies with high acid content
    • reduce sugar intake
    • use xylitol
    • avoid alcohol mouth rinses
  28. What is an Rx used for xerostomia? (linseed extract)
  29. what is approved for treatment of xerostomia associated with Sjogren syndrome
    cevimeline (evoxac)
  30. what is approved for treatment of xerostomia associated with head and neck radiotherapy?
    pilocarpine (salagen)
  31. pilocarpine and cevimeline what are they used to treat?
  32. what should be recommended for caries control for a pt with xerostomia? 4
    • alcohol free chlorhexidine gluconate rinse
    • supplemental fluoride and dentifrices
    • xyliotol products
    • 3 month recall
  33. what is the role of the DH in pharmacologic management of oral conditions?
    • DH may be the first to observe the oral lesion
    • Knowledge about productions to recommend to pts
  34. what is the primary treatment for Candida?
    • topical antifungal agents
    • Nystatin, Clotrimazole Trouche, Ketoconazole cream
  35. what is the secondary treatment for oral candidiasis?
    • systemic oral antifungal agent
    • ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole
  36. what is the most used antifungal for candida?
  37. all of the following are considered acute mucocutaneous vesiculobullous erosive disorders except for one, which one is the exception?

    D. actinic cheilosis
  38. what is an OTC topical agnet used for herpetic infections?
    docosanol (abreva)
  39. what are three Rx used for herpetic lesions?
    • peniciclovir (denavir)
    • acyclovir (zovirax)
    • Valacyclovir (valtrex)
  40. when should Rx for herpetic lesions be started?
    at first prodromal sign
  41. t/f valacyclovir is taken 5 times a day until healed?
    false...4 tabs, take bid for one day only
Card Set
pharm exam 2
ch 13 objectives