Bluster (v)
to blow in heavy gusts
Bode (v)
foreshadow; portend
Bohemian (adj)
unconventional (in an artistic way)
Boon (n)
blessing; benefit
Brackish (adj)
somewhat saline
Brindled (adj)
tawny or grayish with streaks or spots
Broach (v)
to introduce; open up
Brocade (n)
rich, figured fabric
Brooch (n)
ornamental clasp
Brook (v)
to tolerate; endure
Browbeat (v)
bully; intimidate
Brusque (adj)
blunt; abrupt
Bucolic (adj)
Buffet (v)
slap; batter; knock about
Bugaboo (n)
bugbear; object of baseless terror
Bulwark (n)
earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends
Cadge (v)
beg; mooch; panhandle
Callow (adj)
youthful; immature; inexperienced
Calorific (adj)
Cameo (n)
shell or jewel carved in relief
Canny (adj)
shrewd; thrifty
cant (n)
insencere expressions of piety; jargon of thieves
Cantankerous (adj)
ill-humored; irritable
canto (n)
division of a long poem
Capillary (adj)
having very fine bore
Captious (adj)
Carafe (n)
glass water bottle; decanter
Careen (v)
to lurch; sway from side to side
Carillon (n)
set of bells capable of being played
Carousal (n)
drunken revel
Carping (n)
petty criticism; fault-finding
Carrion (n)
rotting flesh of a dead body
Catechism (n)
book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer
Caucus (n)
private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy
Cavil (v)
to make frivolous objections
Celerity (n)
speed; rapidity
Censorious (adj)
Censure (v)
to blame or criticize
Chaff (n)
worthless products of an endeavor
Chaffing (adj)
bantering; joking
Chagrin (n)
vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride; disappointment
Chary (adj)
cautious; sparing or restrained about giving
Chase (v)
ornament a metal surface by indenting
Chasten (v)
correct by punishment or scolding; restrain
Chastened (adj)
humbled; subdued; rebuked
Check (v)
stop motion; curb or restrain
Chisel (v)
to swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel
Choleric (adj)
chortle (v)
chuckle with delight
Churlish (adj)
boorish; rude
Cipher (n, n)
- nonentity; wothless person or thing
- secret code
Circlet (n)
small ring; band
Circuitous (adj)
Cistern (n)
resevoir or water tank
Clamber (v)
climb by crawling
Clapper (n)
striker (tongue) of a bell
Clemency (n)
disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather
Clime (n)
region; climate
Cloister (n)
monestary or convent
Coda (n)
concluding section of a musical or literary composition
Codocil (n)
supplement to the body of a will
Codify (v)
arrange (laws, rules) as a code; classify
Coeval (adj)
living at the same time as; contemporary
Cog (n)
tooth projecting from a wheel
Cognate (adj)
related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature