What are the key ear structures?
- Pinna: Outer ear or "sound collector
- Eardrum: vibrates in response to sound waves
- Ossicles: middle earbones convert vibrations into smaller motions
- Cochlea: houses inner ear's neural tissue
What is Auditory Localization?
it helps us to have timing and to place our location where ever we are
Tactile System
pressure, temperature, and pain
when pain occurs the brain uses endorphines to suppress
Chemical Senses
- Smell: inhalation of molecules
- Taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and Unami (savory/meaty)
The "Sixth" and "Seventh" senses
- Kinesthetic Sense: Monitors positions and movement of body parts
- Vestibular Sense: aids in balance
Gestalt Psychology
integrate informational pieces in organised whole
Form Perception
- Figure/Ground: seperate figure (object of interest) from the ground (objects not of interest)
- Grouping: organize stimuli into coherent groups
Depth Perception
eye senses 2D --> brain makes #D (allows us to determine depth)
Depth Cues
- Monocular: available to one eye
- Binocular: dependent on both eyes
Retinal Disparity
Compares difference between 2 eyes
Relative Height
Objects higher in field of vision appear farther away
Reletive Size
assumed objects are of the same size, smaller objects in the field of view are farther away
if an objects blocks another, the one block is in front of the other
Liniar Perspective
the more assumes parallel lines converge, the farther away it gets
Light and Shadow
objects that reflect more light are closer then those farther away
Perceptual Set
metal predisposition to see one thing and not another
Context Effects
enviromental effect perception (teacher at class vs. teacher at the store)
Awareness and enviroment
Selective Attention
Focusing on particular stimulus
Unattentional Blindness
failing to see objects because attentino is directed elsewhere
Circadian Rythms
biological 24-hour clock (regulates alertness and temperature)
Owls vs. Larks
- Owls: awake at night
- Larks: awake in the day
your brain makes you fall asleep whatever you are doing if the need is dire
Sleep Stages
- Beta: alert wakefulness
- Alpha: Relaxed awake state
- Stage 1: Theta waves, hallucinations and hypnagogic experiences common, easily awakened
- Stage 2: Sleep Spindles (rapid brain waves), sleep talking common
- Stages 3&4: Deep Sleep, delta waves, hard to awaken
- REM: Rapid Eye Movement; vivid dreams, relaxed muscles (resemble Alpha waves)
Benifits of Adequate Sleep
improved mood, more efficient, improves memory, strengthens immune system, lessens risks of fatal accidents, reduces premature aging, lessens risk for obesity and hypertention
Persistant trouble falling asleep, difficult to remain asleep, wake early in the morning
uncontrollable sleep attacks
Sleep Apnea
temporary laps of breath and momentary awakening
anxiety- arousing dreams, usually in the REM cycle
Night Terror
Non-REM, abrupt awakening accompanied w/ intense arousal and panic
heightened state of seggestibility
Hypnosis ability varies
some people are more suseptable then others
Hypnosis can cause
anethesia, sensory distortion, disinhabition, posthypnotic amnesia and increase relaxation
Can be resisted through:
social influence and divided conciousness
Drug Abuse Book
Criteria for "Abuse"
- Failure to fulfill major roll @ work or school or home b/c of use
- Use in sotuations potentially dangerous
- Substance related legal problems
- Continued use despite problems caused
craving for substance despite negetive consequences
larger amount required to achieve same effect
discontinued use leads to discomfort
Depressence Drugs
Alchohal, Opiates, and Setatives
Stimulant Drugs
increase central neurvous system activation
Derived from hemp plant, leads to euphoria and mild hallucinasion
sensory distortion and mental/emotional effects
related to amphetamines and hallucinogens
How Drugs Work
imitate neurotransmitters, stimulate neurons, and block reputake