Reproductive Path

  1. Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate Gland
    • tumor can be slow growing and asymptomatic for long periods or behave aggressively with extensive metastases
    • Radiographic Appearance: IVU - irregular elevation of floor of a contrast agent filled bladder with possible obstruction
  2. Uterine Fibroids
    • benign smooth-muscle tumors that can vary in number and size that is stimulated by estrogen
    • most common calcified lesion of the female genital tract
    • Radiographic Appearance: KUB - mottled mulberry, popcorn calcification
  3. Adenocarcinoma of Breast
    • nearly all breast cancers start in the ducts of the lobules of the breast
    • Radiographic Appearance: Mammography - poorly defined with areas of distortion, irregular margins with numerous fine linear strands or spicules radiating from the mass
  4. Carcinoma in Situ of Breast
    • confined to the site of origin (not yet invaded the underlying tissues)
    • for breast cancer, in situ means that the cancer cells remain confined to ducts of lobules
    • sometimes referred to as non-invasive breast cancer
  5. Fibrocystic Breast
    • cysts vary in size, number and composition
    • Fibroadenoma is the most common benign breast tumor
    • Radiographic Appearance: Mammography - smooth, well-circumscribed mass without invasion of surrounding tissue
  6. Female Infertility
    • causes include obstructed fallopian tubes, intrauterine fibroids or uterine retroversion
    • Radiographic Appearance: Hysterosalpingogram - to demonstrate fallopian tubes and uterus
Card Set
Reproductive Path
path cards