Neuroscience Exam 1.txt

  1. Gray Matter
    • cell bodies, poximal dendrites
    • CNS - cortex, nucleus
    • PNS - ganglion
  2. White Matter
    • myelinated axons
    • CNS - tract, fasciculus, funiculus, lemniscus, peduncle, commisure
    • PNS - nerve fiber, nerve, rami, root
  3. soma
    • a neuron cell
    • metabolic center
    • integration of impulses
  4. dendrites
    • a neuron cell
    • one or more per cell
    • preferred site of synapse
    • spines increase surface area for synaptic contacts
  5. axon
    • a type of neuron
    • one per cell
    • axon hillock
    • initial segment
    • terminals contain vesicles of neurotransmitter
  6. pseudounipolar
    • sensory neurons
    • (e.g. posterior root ganglion)
  7. bipolar neurons
    visual, olfactory, auditory, vestibular systems
  8. multipolar neurons
    • motor neurons
    • interneurons
    • projection neurons
  9. astrocytes
    • glial cells
    • structural support
    • protoplasmic = gray matter
    • fibrous = white matter
    • blood brain barrier - tight junctions
    • response to injury - glial scar
    • metabolic functions - regulate intracellular environment, neural transmission, produce growth factors, cytokines
    • tumor formation = astrocytomas
  10. oligodendrocytes
    • CNS glial cell
    • myelinate CNS axons - one cell does multiple axons
  11. microglia
    • CNS glial cell
    • immune surveillance - not from neuroectoderm
    • response to injury
  12. ependymal cells
    • CNS glial cells
    • line the ventricles
  13. choroid epithelial cells
    • CNS glial cell
    • derived from ependyma
    • control flow of ions and metabolites
  14. meningeal cells
    • CNS glial cells
    • modified fibroblasts
  15. response of neuron to axotomy
    • cell swelling
    • chromatolysis - eccentric nucleus, loss of nissl bodies
    • dendrite retraction
    • changes in mRNA and protein synthesis
    • formation of retraction bulbs
    • Wallerian degeneration (distal stump)
    • transneuronal degeneration
    • PNS - axon regeneration(stimulated by proliferating Schwann cells)
    • CNS - limited axon regeneration
  16. Receptors for neurotransmitters:
    • PNS: end plate potentials at neuromuscular junction
  17. Neurotransmitter in CNS synapse?
    glutamate (75-80%)
  18. Neurotransmitter in PNS synapse?
  19. Basic reflex arc
    • 1. afferent nerve fiber
    • 2. synapse
    • 3. efferent nerve fiber
  20. Where does the cranial dura get its:
    sensory innervation?
    blood supply?
    • sensory innervation: Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
    • blood supply: middle meningeal artery
  21. In a T2 weighted image CSF is?
  22. In a T1 weighted image CSF is?
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Neuroscience Exam 1.txt
Neuroscience Exam 1