Chapter Eight

  1. What are the seven primary areas involved in maintaining heterosexual romantic relationships?
    • 1. Giving advice
    • 2. Relationship assurances
    • 3. Effective conflict management
    • 4. appropriate openness
    • 5. Positive demeanor
    • 6. Sharing tasks
    • 7. Blending socal networks
  2. Table 8.1 Dimensions of Self-Disclosure
    • Information
    • Many Know....Few Know
    • Impersonal/Not Owned....Personal/Owned
    • Abstract....Specific
    • Ecpectations for Self
    • Low Risk/Vulnerability....High Risk/Vulnerability
    • Expectations for Others
    • Lack of Understanding/Acceptance....High Understanding/Acceptance
    • Not Reciprocated....Reciprocated
    • May Tell Others....May Not Tell Others
  3. Explain Self-Disclosure as Catharsis
    • Communication Release
    • We may have some need to free ourselves from information that is eating away at us, a desire to gt something "off our chest"
  4. What are the four functions of self-disclosure?
    • 1. Catharsis
    • 2. The need to be open
    • 3. A Communication Strategy
    • 4. Manipulation
  5. Explain Self-Disclosure as "The Need to be Open"
    • To lay it on the line, tell it like it is, & reveal ourselves as we really are.
    • In real intimacy, we need not weigh & measure our words because our partners can separate what we really mean from what we say skillfully
    • Sometimes we deliberately withhold information in order to protect the other person, to avoid a negative reaction, or for personal gain.
    • Too little disclosure can be harmful, and so can too much.
    • Indiscriminate self-disclosure can cause problems; it can be highly inappropriate.
    • Sometimes others are hurt if we tell private information to just anyone.
  6. Explain Self-Disclosure as a Communication Strategy
    • Negotiation of privacy boundaries are important to a couple
    • What is shared?
    • What is off-limits?
    • What is ethical?
  7. Explain Self-Disclosure as Manipulation
    • We can deliberately disclose information to hurt, shock, or embarrass someone.
    • We can use instant intimacy as a tool for advancing the relationship
    • Effort to quickly move a romantic relationship to what seems to be the intensifying stage
    • Strategy of talking to a person you don’t know well as if you did to obtain the behavior characteristic of a friend/intimate -- not limited to romantic relationships
  8. Define Instant Intimacy
    taking advantage of reciprocity norm in order to elicit personal information or services from others.
  9. Baxter's results in the techniques used by students to acquire information about their relationships. There are seven of them.
    • 1. asking third parties
    • 2. trial intimacy moves -(through self-disclosures or touch)
    • 3. putting yourself down to see how the other will respond
    • 4. using hypothetical situations to see hw the other will respond
    • 5. asking the partner to do something foryou that shows sacrifice of time and energy
    • 6. separting for a while to see how the other responds
    • 7. deliberately putting the partner in a situation in which the nature of the relationship will be tested
  10. Baxter & Wilmot found there are “taboo” topics, what are they? Six total
    • Extra-relationship activities
    • Talking about rules & expected behavior
    • Previous relationships
    • Negative self-disclosures
    • Topics from the past that could cause problems
    • Most frequently reported subject to avoid- relationship itself! Often discussed indirectly or inferred from conversations on other topics.
  11. Define Predictability
    expectation that one’s partner will act consistently in positive ways
  12. Define Dependability
    can rely on other when it counts
  13. Define Faith
    belief that your partner will continue to be responsive & caring in the future.
  14. Define Trust
    • the degree of confidence you deel with you think about the relationship
    • composed of three primary perceptons-predictability, dependability, and faith
Card Set
Chapter Eight
Exam Two