Pulm pharm

  1. Diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, chlorpheniramine
    • 1st generation H1 blockers
    • Allergy, motion sickness, sleep aid
    • Tox - sedation (increased in combination with benzos), antimuscarinic, anti-alpha adrenergic
  2. Loratadine, fexofenadine, desloratadine, cetirizine
    • 2nd generation H1 blockers
    • Allergy
    • Much less sedation than 1st gen because of decreased entry into CNS
  3. Isoproterenol
    • Nonspecific B-agonist
    • Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle (asthma)
    • Can cause tachycardia
  4. Albuterol
    • B2 agonist
    • Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
    • Use during acute asthma exacerbation
  5. Salmeterol
    • Long-acting B2 agonist
    • Used in asthma prophylaxis
    • Can cause tremor, arrythmia
  6. Theophylline
    • Inhibits phosphodiesterase -> bronchodilation (asthma)
    • Cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity, metabolized by P-450, blocks actions of adenosine
  7. Ipratropium
    • Competitive muscarinic antagonist
    • Prevents bronchoconstriction - used in asthma and COPD
  8. Cromolyn
    • Prevents release of mast cell mediators
    • Asthma prophylaxis (not for acute attack)
  9. Beclomethasone, prednisone
    • Corticosteroids - inhibit synthesis of cytokines, inactivate NF-kappa B (-> decreased TNF alpha)
    • 1st line for chronic asthma
  10. Zileuton
    • Antileukotriene - 5-lipoxygenase pathway inhibitor
    • Blocks conversion of arachidonic acid to leukotrienes
  11. Zafirlukast, montelukase
    • Antileukotrienes - block leukotriene receptors
    • Good for aspirin-induced asthma
  12. Guaifenesin
    • = Robitussin
    • Removes excess sputum, does not suppress cough reflex
  13. N-acetylcysteine
    • Mucolytic - loosens mucous plugs in CF pts
    • Also antidote for acetaminophen overdose
  14. Bosentan
    • Treat pulmonary HTN
    • Competitively antagonizes endothelin-1 receptors, decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance
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Pulm pharm
Pulm pharm