quiz/test hisory

  1. what is history?
    an analytical method of inquiry
  2. why do we study history?
    to master analytical skills
  3. S
    • Sit up
    • Lean foreward
    • Ask or answer at least one ? per class
    • Nod head
    • Track the teacher (eye contact)
  4. S
    • Skim
    • Question
    • Read
    • Recite
    • Review
  5. R
    • Read the paragraph
    • Ask what the main idea and two supporting details
    • Put it in your own words
  6. personal experiences
    frame of reference
  7. to be unbiased is to be
  8. a method/process
  9. personal opinions
  10. reality/truth
  11. 5 steps of the historical method
    • problem/question
    • hypothesis
    • research sourches
    • analyze
    • conclusion
  12. primary sources
    first hand account from time period
  13. secondary source
    wasnt there heard about it difference relates to time and place
  14. what are the 3 historical eras?
    ancient medieval modern
  15. define medieval
    after ancient period and before modern era
  16. roman roads provided...
    trade commerce transportation and communication
  17. where did rome rule from?
    one central hub
  18. who conquered rome when?
    barbarians in 476
  19. who were the last of the invasions?
  20. when did the dark ages start?
    after 476
  21. what were the two midieval social classes?
    • privaleged- clergy nobility
    • nonprivaleged- serfs peasants
  22. what political system dominated the middle ages and explain
    feudalism- very decentralized. thousands of kingdoms. a lord gave vassal land and could make any laws as long as they are loyal to the king and got him military support. lord gave land to knights who granted land to serfs and peasants in return for service and payment to him
  23. explain peoples view on religion in this time period
    was very important to them because their life wasnt very good so if they were good chirstians you go to heaven. hence cathedrals and chapels in the center of castles
  24. explain how people got military support in this time period
    the king got military support through the feudalism relationship
  25. define renaissance.
    where did it begin?
    means rebirth. it was the transitioin from midieval to modern time. it began in Italy
  26. list the prompts of the age of exploration
    • 1. center of midieval life = religion which led to
    • 2. the crusades which led to
    • 3. the revival of trade and commerce which led to
    • 4. rebirth of cities and towns which led to
    • 5. emergence of the middle class which led to
    • 6. guilds to regulate/centralize economics which led to
    • 7. town governments/ city states to regulate and centralize polotics which led to
    • 8. trade associations to regulate and centralize economics which led to
    • 9. nation states to regulate and centralize polotics which led to
    • 10. age of exploration to avoid italian/muslim trade monopolies
  27. what were the two phases of the age of exploration?
    • to find new trade routes to india and asia
    • looking for riches in the new world
  28. who was prince henry and what did he do?
    portugese prince who opened a navigational school where he paid people to come and invent navigational toold. developed caravel ship, compass, astrolade, and sextant
  29. christopher columbus
    italian but sailed for spain. left in 1492
  30. balboa
    • 1513
    • spain
    • 1st to see pacific ocean
  31. ponce de leon
    • 1513
    • spain
    • florida
  32. cortez
    • 1519
    • spain
    • conquered aztecs
  33. pizarro
    • 1532
    • spain
    • conqured incas
  34. de soto
    • 1541
    • spain
    • 1st so see mississippi
  35. verranzo
    • 1524
    • france
    • atlantic coast. 1st to sail in new york harbor
  36. cartier
    • 1535
    • france
    • st lawrence river
  37. champlain
    • 1603
    • france
    • canada northern new england. founded quebec
  38. marquette and joliet
    • 1673
    • france
    • upper mississippi river valley
  39. cabot
    • 1497
    • england
    • labrador and northeast coast of north america
  40. drake
    • 1577
    • england
    • second expedition to circumnavigate the world
  41. cook
    • 1768
    • england
    • new zealand australia and hawaii
  42. cabral
    • 1500
    • portugal
    • brazil
  43. hudson
    • 1609
    • holland
    • husdon river
  44. diaz
    • 1488
    • portugal
    • proved you could get around africa but didnt actually to it
  45. vaso de gama
    • 1497
    • portugal
    • made it to india
  46. coronado
    • 1535
    • spain
    • found grand canyon in search for cibola
  47. magellan
    • 1519
    • proved you can go west to go east
    • his expedition circumnavigated the world
  48. what was france in the new world for?
  49. when did the english defeat the spanish armada?
  50. what was the reson for colonization?
  51. define mercantilism
    mother country establishes colonies to obtain natural resources and raw materials which are shipped back to the mother country where theyare manufactured into finished products which are sold back to the colonies in order to achieve favorable balance of trade in which exports are greater than imports in order to achieve economic self sufficiency within the empire
  52. who introduced mercnatilism to the world?
  53. who organizes mercantilism?
  54. who perfected mercantilism?
  55. what was the first permanent english colony in america?
    jamestown 1607 in virginia
  56. what was the colony of jamestown officially called?
    trasurer and company of adventurers and planters of the city of london for the first colony in virginia
  57. why is england establishing jamestown?
  58. why did the colonist volunteer to go to jamestown?
    to get a better life and climb the social ladder
  59. when and by who was plymouth established?
    1620 by the virginia company of plymouth
  60. why was plymouth established and why did the king say yes?
    established for $$ and king said yes b/c of mercantilism
  61. who settled in plymouth?
  62. why did the pilgrims settle in plymouth?
    to reform the church of england
  63. define dissenters and list the two kinds of them
    • they thought the church was too catholic
    • non separatists
    • separatists
  64. separatists
    • wanted to separate from church b/c they thought it couldnt be fixed
    • pilgrims who settled in plymouth in 1620
  65. non separatists
    • settled in massachusets bay in 1630
    • puritans
    • wasnted to purify church and take catholicism out of it
  66. what did the puritans want to create?
    a community
  67. explain the city upon a hill concept and how it relates to religion and later politics
    the puritans called themselves a city upon a hill because everyone is watching them. they are trying to show people how to be an ideal community and how to be ideal puritans. back then it related to how everyone was looking at THEM being puritans later it realtes to how everyone is looking at AMERICA being a democracy
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quiz/test hisory
moran us history