Katelyns Cards

  1. What is significant about pericope 1, where Luke explains his purpose for writing the gospel?
    The way Luke does it he shows he is writing real history, its very clear this is a work of history.
  2. What is significant about pericope 2, John’s prologue?
    In the beginning was the word. --> We have a reason to trust our brains? The bible, and God says.
  3. What is significant about pericope 3, Matthew’s record of the genealogy of Jesus?
    • 1 – He puts in three columns, fourteen in each column, makes a point heis a descendant of David
    • 2 – He counts one man twice; it is obvious this is to be schematic.
    • 3 – He only records 3 women, and then woman he included were not thebest examples. (God can use anyone to further his kingdom).
  4. What is significant about pericope 12, where it says Jesus was laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn?
    There is no innkeeper in the bible, (this is not accurate). Going back to your own village many people would have taken them in. However it says there was not room in the guest room (the place were travelers stay).
  5. What is significant about pericope 13, where the shepherds are the first outside witnesses to Jesus’ birth?
    The Sheppard’s are seen as crooks.
  6. What is significant about pericope 15, where Jesus is presented in the Temple and his parents offer two birds?
    It’s the poor mans offering, the normal offering is a lamb, but if you cant afford a lamb and are poor you cant afford a lamb they would buy two doves.
  7. What is significant about pericope 17, where the Magi visit Jesus?
    The Sheppard’s show up, but then about two years later the Magi appeared, it could have taken them along time to get there.
  8. What is significant about pericope 23, where Luke uses synchronized dating?
    Luke uses synchronized dating to prove that this was real history.
  9. What is significant about pericope 28, where Jesus is tempted in the wilderness?
    • Isreal in the desert
    • · 40

    · D

    · Son Of God

    • Jesus in the desert (but does it all right)
    • · 40

    · D

    · Son Of God
  10. What is significant about pericope 31, where Jesus meets Nathaniel?
    He did not tell every little part, this is an example of leaving the unimportant parts out. (John does not tell us the whole story)
  11. What is significant about pericope 32, where Jesus turns the water into wine?
    Why did he change so much wine? --> Prophecy of when Jesuscome it will be a time of Messianic abundance. (A time of great abundance) Jesus is showing that he really is the Messiah.
  12. What is significant about pericope 39, where Jesus talks to the woman at the well?
    He tells her that he is the Messiah; just before this he had not told anyone he was the messiah. The lady was a Samaritan (believes Jesus will be a teacher), he did not fear being misunderstood.
  13. What is significant about pericope 47, where
    Jesus meets Andrew and Peter, and James and John in Galilee and calls them to be his disciples?
    This was not the first time that they met him, and they did not stay with him day and night.
  14. What is significant about pericope 51, the fishy cure for envy?
    Is that Jesus asks the disciples to put down their nets, they get the biggest catch of their lives and then he asks them to give it up and follow him. (Gives and takes away)
  15. What is significant about pericope 76, where
    Jesus rebukes the towns where he had done most of his miracles for not repenting?
    We don’t have any record of the miracles that Jesus did there, so that means that most of the things Jesus did there were left out of the bible.
  16. What is significant about pericope 82, where Jesus starts to speak in parables?
    He only speaks in Parables after people oppose him; it’s a response to hostility.
  17. What is significant about pericope 86, where Jesus talks about the mustard seed?
    Mustard seed is a weed and Gods kingdom is like that Gods kingdom will grow in very unexpected places.
  18. What is significant about pericope 110, where people call what Jesus says a “difficult statement”?
    I am the bread of life; if you eat me you will live forever. (these are messianic claims). People did not decide they said this was a difficult statement who can listen to it. They could not decide whether to turn him in of worship him.
  19. What is significant about pericope 119, where
    Jesus calls Peter ”Satan”?
    Its dumb to talk against God, his statement was apposed to God, and he says the same thing Satan says “don’t die, there is a different way to do it”.You are looking at things from a purely human point of view. Jesus wants us to see things from Gods perspective. How? Look at the world through the bible. See as Jesus and God see.
  20. What is significant about pericope 124, where the disciples can’t cast out the demon?
    They could not cast out demons because they did not pray.
  21. What is significant about pericope 129, where Jesus tells us to rebuke a sinning brother?
    Jesus cares so much about right relationships, he says if someone does something to you that hurts you go to him and tell him to repent. If offenderits your job to reconcile, if you have been offended its still your job to take the initiative.
  22. What is significant about pericope 140, where Jesus tells the disciples to rejoice that their names are in heaven?
    All the more rejoice in who you are in relationship with God, rather then how he uses you.
  23. What is significant about pericope’s 153-157, where Jesus heals the man born blind?
    An example of Jesus polarizing people. The same Son who softens the butter hardens the clay, Jesus makes those who love him draw near and those whoare not interested even more detested.
  24. What is significant about pericope 158, where Jesus says, “I am the door”?
    He is the one who sleeps in the opening of the sheepfold.
  25. What is significant about pericope 158, where
    Jesus claims to be the good shepherd?
  26. What is significant about pericope 172, where the Sanhedrin plans to put Jesus to death?
    They turn their back on God and his benefit.
  27. What is significant about pericope 178, where
    Jesus asks, “Why do you call me good?”
    Seems like Jesus is saying I am not God and I am not good. This contradicts other scriptures. Jesus does not want to be called good lightly; Jesus says keep the commandments, but then changed them and makes them more difficult. Who has the right to change recruitments, God/Jesus? He is forcing the ruler to decide who he is.
  28. What is significant about pericope 188, where Jesus curses the fig tree?
    Helps to know that the fig tree is a symbol for Israel, and this is a Mark “sandwich”. Mark writes about the fig tree, Jesus going to cleanse the temple, and then he goes back to the fig tree. All obvious activity but not what Jesus wants, The temple has religious activity but not what God wants. Temple had leaves, Jesus is acting something out to show that the Temple must act.
  29. What is significant about pericope 219, where
    Jesus talks about the vine?
    Jesus gives special commands Live in me, love one another, and remain in me (bear lasting fruit.)
  30. What is significant about pericope 221, where
    Jesus says the Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment? (Explain what he means.)
    · Convict the world of sin, because it does not believe in me. To help people understand the God that made them became a human so they could have the rightrelationship with him. To live you life as though you have not been paid for by Christ is sin.

    · Convict and show the world what righteousness is. Show how God is good and forgives. Show the world and ask the H.S. how bankrupt Satan and his ways are.
  31. What is significant about pericope 221, where
    Jesus promises the Spirit will guide the apostles into all truth?
    This shows us that we can trust the New Testament. Because they wrote it and were guided by the spirit.
  32. What is significant about pericope 224, where
    Jesus talks about unity?
    Unity leads to creditability. If Christians are unified and live as we are all suppose to we could show the world Christ’s love and they would not have a reason not to believe.
  33. What is significant about pericope 232, where
    Judas hangs himself?
    2 Cor. 7:10 “Godly sorrow leads to repentance” --> Make it right with God, make it right with the other person, and finally change so you do not do it again.
  34. What is significant about pericope 256, where
    Jesus gives the Great Commission?
    • · Make disciples
    • · Disciples not Converts
    • · It’s the process not the product
    • · Every ethnic group
  35. What is significant about pericope 258, where Jesus summarizes the Old Testament?
    • · Jesus says that reaching the world is central to the Old Testament.
    • · Come and die, rise from the dead, and his name will be taught to all.
Card Set
Katelyns Cards
Gospels and Acts Test 2