- Trimester
- PRN or QDaily
- Small or high dose
- Risks > benefits
- Review safer options in same theapeutic class
- PRN or QDaily
- Low or High dose
- PK-- "pump and dump"
- Benefits > Risks
- Therapeutic alternatives that may be more lactation safe based on "evidence"
Adverse Reactions
- Nature of reaction (onset, duration, severity)
- Disease profile (symptom, disease changes)
- Detailed medication history (start and stop dates)
- PK (onset, duration, severity)
Drug-allergy interactions
- True allergy or ADR
- Mechanism of action or cause of interaction (structural, immune, biological pathways, dose-dependent)
- Onset, duration, severity
- Documentation
- Other therapeutic alternatives
Drug, food, herbal, adverse interactions
- Severity, documentation
- onset of interaction
- disease or lifestyle changes
- dose-dependent
- transiet or long-term
- discontinue unnecessary medications/duplications
- alternative therapeutic options
Dose/administration/dosage forms
- dosage form desired (patch, sustain release)
- Pt alert or oriented (IV, NG, PO)
- Water, sodium, glucose restrictions
Foreign, orphan, investigational drug id
- Indication
- Country or region
- susepcted indication or perceived use
- spelling
- physical characteristics of dosage form, color, markings, size
- Direct us equalivent available
- no direct us equivalent available but agent with similar action or indication available
Drug of choice
- indication
- goal of therapy: acute vs long term
- patient profile: allergy, age, gender, height weight
- disease profile: co-morbidities, organ dysfunction
- medication profile: received/tried/failed, dosage form, dynamics and kinetic