Micro Final

  1. What is endemic in ground squirrels and prairie dogs?
  2. What infects endothelial cells of blood vessels?
  3. What disease causes a strawberry tounge?
    Scarlet fever
  4. What condition causes destruction of ciliated epithelial tissues?
  5. What are elementary bodies?
  6. What vaccine is associated with Guillaine-Barre?
    Swine Flu
  7. What severe cases are treated with Ribavirin?
  8. What is a heat resistant enterotoxin?
    Staphylococcal enterotoxin
  9. What is a hemolytic-uremic toxin?
    E. coli 0;157
  10. What is an LSD like toxin?
  11. What causes severe joint infection?
  12. What is found in genital vesicles?
    Herpes 2
  13. What causes fetal deformities?
    Congenital syphilis
  14. What is contracted from animal urine?
  15. What is diagnosed from a blood culture?
    Typhoid fever
  16. What associated with gram neg bacteria are responsible for the complications of septic shock?
    Lysogenic phage
  17. What causes spontaneous abortions in domestic animals such as cattle and sheep?
  18. Pasteurella multociada infection is usually transmitted to humans by what?
    Bite of infected dog or cat
  19. Ectopic pregnancy may be a complication from untreated cases of what?
  20. Development of secondary syphilis is usually characterized by what?
    a rash and lesions with fever
  21. what is a frequent cause of anaerobic infections of the abdominal cavity following surgery?
  22. Which of the following may be associated with an increased incidence of stomach cancer?

  23. Extreme clear watery diarrhea tinged with bits of mucous indicates what?
  24. What is the preferred therapy for most cases of Salmonellosis?
    Fluid replacement
  25. This agent of bacterial atypical pneumonia survives in thermally polluted water such as hot tubs.
  26. Occupational exposure to birds is associated with this bacterial pnemonia.
  27. The principal target of the Epstein Barr virus is what?
    B cells
  28. The terms H3N2 would refer to infection with what?
    Influenza A
  29. Arthrospores are responsible for transmission of what?
  30. What causes menigitis in new-borns?
    Group B streptococcus
  31. How is Fransciella stained?
    Bipolar staining
  32. What can be contracted by unpasteurized milk?
  33. What is gas gangrene?
    fulminating myonecrosis
  34. What disease has long term secondary complications?
    Lyme disease
  35. What has heterophile antibodies?
    HHV 4
  36. What symptoms does yellow fever have?
    jaundice of skin and eyes
  37. What disease causes enlarged colon and spleen?
    Chagas disease
  38. What does diptheria's exotoxins block?
    protein synthesis
  39. What is associated with acute nasal congestion?
    Common cold
  40. What disease causes destruction of ciliated epithelium?
  41. What is the skin test for tuberculosis called?
  42. What bacteria causes walking penumonia?
  43. What is contracted from birds?
  44. What has an antigenic shift?
    Influenza A
  45. What has arthrospores?
    Valley fever
  46. What bacteria on teeth deals with dextran?
    Streptococcus mutans
  47. Sulfur granules are associated with what?
  48. What symptoms are associated with Shigella dysenteriae?
    bloody stools with mucus
  49. What pet is associated with salmonellosis?
    pet reptiles
  50. Where does Vibrio grow?
    marine inviroment
  51. What bacteria can cause stomach cancer?
  52. What does Hepatitis C cause?
    Chronic liver failure
  53. What does rotovirus cause?
    Severe viral gastroenteritis
  54. What is transmitted from ectopic pregnancy?
  55. What is associated with syphilis
  56. What disease is associated with cervical cancer?
    genital warts
  57. How are cases of shigellosis and dysentery contracted?
    person to person only
  58. How is Cholera diagnosed?
    culturing of V. cholerae from feces.
  59. What is the treatment of Cholera?
    Abx doxycyclineand iv fluids
  60. How do you contract Cholera?
    Contaminated food and water
  61. How do Vibrios differ from other bacteria?
    They require NaCl
  62. Why is Campylobacter infection difficult to diagnose?
    They require conditions of low oygen and high carbon dioxide to culture
  63. What are the symptoms of mumps?
    painful swelling of parotid glands, fever and pain during swallowing, testes become inflammed.
  64. What are some complications of mumps?
    meningitis, inflammation of the ovaries , and pancreatitis
  65. How do you contract rotovirus and norovirus?
    fecal and oral route
  66. What is the treatment for rotovirus and norovirus?
    oral rehydration
  67. What is giardiasis?
    flagellated protozoan that is able to attach firmly to humans intestinal wall.
  68. What is used to diagnose giardiasis?
    The string test
  69. How is giardiasis treated?
  70. How is amoebic dysentery diagnosed?
    recovering and identifying the pathogens in the feces
  71. What are most infections of the urinary tract caused by?
    E. coli
  72. How is Leptospirosis contracted?
    from urine of animals infected
  73. How is gonorrhea present differently in males and females?
    males get a pus discharge and females generally dont recognize the symptoms.
Card Set
Micro Final
Microb Final