The roof of the Cranium is formed by.... Rostrally by...
- Roof:
- Occipital(majority)
- Parietal
- Interparietal
- Rostrally:
- Frontal Bones
The ____ forms the most caudal part of the skull, and projects dorsally to form the ____
- Occipital Bone
- Nuchal Crest
Lateral, prominent ridge of the skull that is a major landmark
Facial Crest
the internal cranial cavity is divided into two parts, which contain...
- Large Rostral Part- cerebrum
- Smaller Caudal Part- Cerebellum
The two parts of the internal cranial cavity are separated dorsally by the _____*
Tentorium Cerebelli Osseum
Blind cutaneous pouch in the nostril?*
False Nostril
The False Nostril extends rostro-caudally from the ___ to the ___*
- Dorsal angle of the nostril
- Nasoincisive notch
The Alar Cartilage is comprised of: *
- Lamina (broad/flat)
- Cornu/Horn
To reduce weight, bones of the skull are...*
What contributes to the reduced size of the nasal cavities?
- Roots/Crown of cheek teeth
- Nasal and Ethmoid Conchae
- Mucosa is thick and highly vascularized
How many nasal conchae? Meatuses?
Nasal Meatuses:
- Dorsal
- Middle
- Ventral
- Common
For Stomach intubation, the tube is passed through...
- (place finger above tube)
What are paranasal sinuses?
Air Spaces in bones, lined by mucous membrane
What innervates the paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa?
What is clinically important d/t infection?
Paranasal sinuses
The last 3-4 cheek teeth project into
- Maxillary Sinus
- (avenue for extraction)
The frontal sinus in connected to the dorsal turbinate bone via the
Conchofrontal Sinus
Compared to other species, the equine frontal sinus...
extends more rostrally (d/t the turbinate part of frontal sinus)
The ______ had a single cavity which is incompletely separated into compartments by bony lamellae
conchofrontal sinus
The composite sinus =
conchofrontal sinus
The oval Frontomaxiallary opening connects ____ to ____
- Frontal sinus
- Caudal Maxillary Sinus
What allows the frontal sinus to INDIRECTLY drain into the nasal cavity?
- Nasomaxillary Opening
- (no direct communication)
Surgical Limits of the Frontal Sinus:
- Medial Angle of the Eye/Rostral end of facial Crest - Middle of the zygomatic Arch
- and
- median plan - level of the Supraorbital Foramen
Parts of the Maxillary Sinus:
What separates the the rostral and caudal maxillary sinuses?
Oblique Septum
Communication btw the Maxillary Sinuses?
The Caudal 1/2 of the ventral turbinate is incorporated into the...
Rostral Maxillary Sinus
The Rostral Maxillary Sinus in divided into two compartments:
- Lateral
- Medial turbinate Compartment
Do the Lateral and Medial Maxillary Sinuses communicate?
The Cranial and Caudal Sinuses are separated by a...
Complete Bony Septum
The Cranial and Caudal Sinuses open into the nasal cavity via...*
Nasomaxillary Opening
Inflammation of mucosa blocks the...
nasomaxillary opening
The caudal half of the ventral turbinate is incorporated into the....
rostral maxillary sinus
Where is the infraorbital canal located?
In the ventral portions of the of the rostral and caudal maxillary sinuses (-> lateral medial portions)
The ______ connects the Frontal and Caudal Maxillary sinuses
Frontomaxillary Sinus
Which maxillary sinus is larger?