Anatomy, aging

  1. I1 Erupts=
    2 1/2 Yrs
  2. I2 Erupts=
    3 1/2 Yrs
  3. I3 Erupts=
    4 1/2 Yrs
  4. I1 and I2 are level, and Cups are present on incisors
    5 Yrs
  5. No cups on I1
    6 Yrs
  6. I2 Cups gone, all Incisors level and hook on I7
    7 Yrs
  7. I3 cups gone, Stars appear
    8 Yrs
  8. I1 becomes round
    9 yrs
  9. I2 becomes round, and Galvayne's Groove appears on Upper I3
    10 Yrs
  10. Hook on upper I3
    • 11 Yrs
    • (also at 7, but still have I3 cup at 7)
  11. No enamel Spots & Galvayne's groove 1/2 way down
    15 Yrs
  12. All I's become triangular & stars round
    16-18 Yrs
  13. Galvayne's Goove Down the entire length of I3
    20 Yrs
  14. Galvayne's Groove on bottom half of I3
    25 Yrs
  15. Galvayne's Groove on bottom 1/4 of I3
    30 Yrs
Card Set
Anatomy, aging
Anatomy, aging