Microbial contamination
- an environment or procedure that is free of contamination by pathogens
- antimicrobial chemicals, expected to destroy pathogens but not to achieve sterilization
non-living surface
removal of all microbial life (heat, filtration)
for utensils
inhibits bacterial reproduction
Effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment depends on:
- number of microbes
- environment
- time of exposure
- microbial characteristics
Action of antimicrobial agents: Alteration
- alteration of cell walls and membrane
- alter permeability
- breakdown lipid components
Action of antimicrobial agents: Protein damage
- damage to protein structure
- disrupts structural proteins
- denatured enzymes cause a decrease in cellular activity
Action of antimicrobial agents: Nucleic acid damage
- damage to nucleic acidsloss of genetic information leads to a decrease in metabolic activity
- can produce fatal mutants
- can halt protein synthesis through action on RNA
The selection of microbial control methods
- ideally, agents should be:
- inexpensive
- fast acting
- stable during storage
- capable of controlling all microbial gowth while being harmless to humans, animals, and objects
- is this feasible? no
Factors affecting the efficacy of antimicrobial methods
- site to be treated
- relative susceptibility of microorganism
- effectiveness of germicides classified as high, iintermediate, or low
- environmental conditions
- temperature
- pH
- organic material
Phenol coefficient
- compare other disinfectants and antiseptics to phenols effectiveness at controlling microbes under standardized conditions
- greater than 1.0=product is more effective than phenol
Use dilution test
- expose contaminated cylinders to various dilutions of antimicrobial agents
- incubate cylinder for 48 hours and check growth
Kelsey-Sykes capacity test
- expose bacterium to suitable concentration of disinfectant
- return to growth medium and check turbidity
In-use test
swabs of object are taken pre/post disinfectant and grown
Heat related methods of microbial control
- effects of high temperatures
- denaturation of proteins
- interference with integrity of cytoplasmic membrane
- disruption of structure and function of nucleus
Thermal death point
lowest temperature that kills all cells in broth in 10 minutes
Moist heat
denatures proteins
significant number reduction (esp. spoilage and pathogenic organisms) does not sterilize! Destroyed TB.
Classic holding method of Pasteurization
63° C for 30 min
Flash Pasteurization (HTST)
72° C for 15 sec. most common in us. thermoduric organisms survive
Ultra high temperature (UHT)
- 140° C for <1 sec
- technically not pasteurization because it sterilizes
Dry heat
- kills by oxidation
- denatures proteins and oxidizes metabolic and structural chemicals
- used for materials that cannot be sterilized with or damaged by moist heat
- flaming of loop
- incineration of carcasses
- bird flu
- mad cow disease
Refrigeration and freezing
- decrease microbial metabolsm, growth and reproduction
- chemical reactions occur slower at low temperatures
- liquid water not available
- psychrophilic microbes can multiply in refrigerated foods
- refigeration halts growth of most pathogens
- slow freezing more effective than quick freezing
- organisms vary in susceptibility to freezing
- exceptions: listeria monocytogenes
- refrigeration: 0-7° C
- freezing: below 0° C
Physical methods of microbial control by filtration
- Air filtration uses high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. effectie to 0.3 um
- Membrane filters for fluids
- pore size for bacteria: 0.2-0.4 um
- pore size for viruses: 0.01 um
Osmotic pressure
- high concentrations of salt or sugar in foods to inhibit growth
- cells in a hypertonic solution of salt or sugar lose water; cell desiccates
- fungi have greater ability than bacteria to survive hypertonic environments
Physcial methods of microbial control by radiation
radiation damages DNA: sterilization of medical equipment and foods
Chemical methods of microbial control
- affect microbes cell walls, cytoplasmic memebranes, proteins, or DNA
- effect varies with temperature, length of exposure, and amount of organic matter
- also varies with pH, concentration, and age of chemical
- tend to be more effective against enveloped viruses and vegetative cells of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa
Phenol and Phenolics
- disrupts cell membranes
- effective in presence of organic matter and remain active for prolonged time
- commonly used in health care settings, labs and homes
- pheno (carbolic acid) historical significance
- phenolics: creosol (lysol)
- bisphenolics
- hexachlorophene: pHisoHex
- triclosan: toothpaste, antibicterial soaps
- are bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal against enveloped viruses
- ineffective against fungal spores and bacterials spores
- denature proteins and disrupt cytoplasmic membranes
- evaporate rapidly and inactivated by organic debris
- 70%(optimal concentration) more effective than 90%
- used in hand santizers and cosmetics
Halogens: oxidizing agents
- intermediate- level antimicrobial chemicals
- iodine
- chlorine
- bromine
- fluorine
- iodine: medically used as a tincture or iodophores
- betadine
- sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
- chlorine treatment of drinking water
Oxidizing agents
- peroxide kill by oxidation of microbial enzymes
- effective against anaerobic microorganisms of deep wounds
- hydrogen peroxide can disinfect and sterilize surfaces of objects
- 3% or higer
- catalase neutralizes; not useful for treating open wounds
- staphylococcus aureus
"surface active" chemicals that reduce surface tension of solvents to make them more effective at dissolving solutes
Heavy metals
- ions are antimicrobial because they alter the 3-D shape of proteins, inhibiting or eliminating their function
- low-level bacteriostatic and fungistatic agents
- 1% sliver nitrate to prevent blindness caused by N gonorrhoeae
- thimerosal used to preserve vaccines
- copper controls algal growth in reservoirs, fish tanks, swimming pools, and water storage tanks; interferes with chlorophyll
- inactivate proteins by cross-linking with their function groups (-NH2, -OH, -COOH, -SH)
- compounds containing terminal -CHO groups
- glutaraldehyde
- formalin used in embalming and disinfection of rooms and instruments
kills bacteria
Bacteria subjected to heat or antimicrobial chemicals die at what rate
A constant rate
How is the antimicrobial efficacy evaluated?
microbial death rate
Thermal death time
time to sterilize volume of liquid at set temperature
- steam under pressure
- most dependable sterilzation method
- steam must directly contact material to be sterilized
- pressurized steam reaches higher temperatures
- normal autoclave conditions: 121.5 C for 15 min
- prion destruction: 132 C for 4.5 hours
Ionizing radiation
x rays, microwave
Nonionizing radiation
- UV
- most effective wavelength~260 nm
- actively dividing organisms are more susceptible
- used to limit air and surface contamination
- germicidal lamps
Soaps and detergents
good degerming agents but not antimicrobial
- quaternary ammonium compounds
- colorless, tasteless, harmless to humans, and antimicrobial; ideal for many medical and industrial application
- most effective against gram +
- pseudomonads live in them