la casilla
polling station
el chivo expiatorio
the scape goat
el conteo
tallying of the vote
el dedazo
selection of the next president?
el desempleo
el discurso
speech, lecture
el zócalo
plaza, main square
pertaining to the PRI
cornered, intimidated
el cura
the priest who helps the pastor
el curando
a person who uses traditional healing methods
la doctrina
religious doctrine
la excomunicación
la hostia
the host (bread)
el párroco
the head priest of a church
to hear confession
to receive the host
to excommunicate
to have sex outside of marriage
ordenarle a alguien
to ordain someone
apropiarse de
to appropriate
ponerse a uno la piel de gallin
to get goosebumps
pegarse a uno la gana
to feel like
poner algo en riesgo
to put something at risk
a como diera lugar
one way or another
la cochi no suelta la mazorca ni aunque le den palos:
the pig doesn't drop the corncob even if it is beaten with a club
dar marcha atrás
to retreat
tomar otras medidas
to take other steps
acabar (con)/ acabarse
to finish off/to run out of
to walk, to hang out, to function/work
to get something down
no cabe duda
there is no doubt
to make change or to simply change something
to take or to grab (replace tomar)
dar a la calle
to face the street
dar igual o da lo mismo
it doesnt matter
déjame en paz
leave me alone
que lo disfruten
enjoy yourself
echar de menos
to miss someone
échame la mano
to lend a hand
echar un ojo
to have a quick look
to ask for something/to order
to make a mistake
to put something away, to save
llevar+ númbero
i have been here X long
llevarse con
to get along
meterse con
to get involved
meterse en
to get into trouble
me/te parecer
convey likes and dislike
pedir permiso
ask for permission
pedir perdón
to apologize
pedir ingormes
to ask for information
pedir ayuda
to ask for help
quedarse helado
to be left frozen with fear
quedarse en blanco
to not understand
quedar bien/mal
to end up well or badly with someone
quedar cerca
describe location
con/sin querer
on purpose/by accident
siento haber
sorry for...
en qué le puedo servir
how may i help you
to sound/ to ring a bell
to get on, to put up
tener que ver con
to have to do with