a / p endocrine system 2

  1. What are the 2 hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary?
    • Oxytocin
    • Antidiruetic Hormone
  2. What are the 7 Hormones secreted by the Anterior Pituitary
    • Human growth hormone
    • thyroid stimulating hormone
    • adrenocorticortpic hormone
    • follical stimulating hormone
    • lutenizing hormone
    • prolactin
    • melanocyte stimulating hormone
  3. What are the 2 hormones secreted by the thyroid gland
    • Thyroid hormone
    • calcitonin
  4. What is the hormone excreted by the parathyroid gland
    parathyroid hormone
  5. What are the 2 hormones excreted by the pancreas
    • Insulin
    • Glucagon
  6. What is the hormone excreted by the Pineal Gland
  7. What is the hormone secreted by the thymus
    Thymus hormones
  8. What are the 2 hormones secreted by the adrenal glands
    • Aldosterone
    • Cortisol
  9. What is the hormone excreted by the adrenal medulla
  10. What are the 2 hormones excreted by the testes
    • Andogren / testosterone
    • Inhibin
  11. What are the 3 hormones excreted by the ovaries
    • relaxin
    • proestrogren
  12. What are the actions of: oxytocin
    • Uterine contractions
    • Milk production

    • Stimulated by: uterine stretching
    • Inhibited by: lack of stimulis
  13. What are the actions of: Antidiruetic Hormone
    Conserve water, constrict arterioles

    • Stimulated by: Increased blood solutes, decreased blood volume
    • Inhibited by: appropriate hydration
  14. What are the actions of: human growth hormone (HGH)
    • production of insulin growth factors
    • promote lypolysis
    • inhibit glucose uptake

    • Stimulated by: growth hormone releasing hormone & Low blood sugar
    • Inhibited by: growth hormone inhibiting hormone
  15. What are the actions of: thyroid stimulating hormone
    stimulate release of thyroid hormone

    • Stimulated by: thyrotropin releasing hormone
    • Inhibited by: thyroid hormone
  16. What are the actions of: adrenocorticortpic hormone
    promote release of glucocortinoids

    • Stimulated by: croicotropin releasing hormone
    • Inhibited by: glucocortic acid
  17. What are the actions of: follicle stimulating hormone
    • Females: stimulate ovarian follicle / estrogen release
    • Males: Promote sperm production

    • Stimulated by: GNRh
    • Inhibited by: Females: estrogen, males: testosterone
  18. What are the actions of: lutenizing hormone
    • Females: Stimulate ovulation, estrogen release
    • Males: final stages of spermogenesis & testosterone secretion

    • Stimulated by: gonadotropin releasing hormone
    • Inhibited by: females: estrogren males: testosterone
  19. What are the actions of: prolactin
    promotes lactation / milk release

    • stimulated by: prolactin releasing hormone
    • inhibited by: prolactin inhibiting hormone
  20. What are the actions of: melanocyte stimulating hormone
    not known

    • stimulated by: not known
    • Inhibited by: not known
  21. What are the actions of: calcitonin
    regulate calcium homeostasis
  22. What are the actions of: parathyoid hormone
    • regulate calcium, magnesium, and phosphate ions
    • increase number and activity of osteoclasts
  23. What are the actions of: glucagon
    increase blood glucose
  24. What are the actions of: Insulin
    Lower blood glucose
  25. What are the actions of: Melatonin
    • Influence physiological processes that show rhythmic variations
    • based on light (night and day)

    • Stimulated by: Light
    • Inhibited by: Dark
  26. What are the actions of: Thymus hormone
    development of lymphocyes of immune system
  27. What are the actions of: Aldosterone
    • Reabsorbtion of Na & K ions
    • Increase H2O in blood (volume and pressure)

    • Stimulated by: Hormone Angiotensin II
    • Inhibited by: Increased blood volume
  28. What are the actions of: Cortisol
    • Blood vessel response to vasoconstrictions
    • depression of immune response
    • anti inflammatory effects
    • glucogenesis

    • Stimulated by ACTH
    • Inhibited by: glucocorticoids
  29. What are the actions of: Catecholamines
    Constrict blood vessels, dilate airways

    • Stimulated by: acytocholine
    • Inhibited by: Lack of fight or flight
  30. What are the actions of: Androgen / testosterone
    • Prenatal: masculinization of brain, reproductive structure development
    • Puberty: Secondary sex characteristics, sex drive

    • Stimulated by: LH
    • Inhibited by: Negative Feedback
  31. What are the actions of: Inhibin
    Inhibit secretion of GnRH, LH, FSH

    • Stimulated by: High sperm quantity
    • Inhibited by: Low sperm count
  32. What are the actions of: Estrogen
    • Prenatal: Feminize Brain, Female repoductive system development
    • Puberty: Oogenesis, ovulation, secondary sex characteristics

    • Stimulated by LH
    • Inhibited by: proestrogen
  33. What are the actions of: proestrogen
    • Breast growth
    • maturation of endometrium for implantation

    • stimulated by: FSH, LH
    • inhibited by: Estrogens
  34. What are the actions of: Relaxin
    • Increase flexibility of pubic symphasis
    • dialate cervix
    • contraction of uterus

    • stimulated by: pregnancy
    • Inhibited by: lack of pregnancy
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a / p endocrine system 2
endocrine system part 2 (hormones and glands)