Topic 3 - Atoms and the Periodic Table

  1. The ______ _______ is a way of classifying all elements?
    periodic table
  2. What can elements be classified as?
    solids, liquids or gases
  3. At room temperature and pressure what is the only liquid metal element?
  4. A ______ is a horizontal row of elements?
  5. A ______ is a vertical column of elements?
  6. What are the group seven elements called?
    The halogens
  7. What are the group one elements called?
    The alkali metals
  8. What are the group eight elements called?
    The noble gases
  9. Are the noble gases reactive or unreactive?
    Very unreactive
  10. What tiny particles are all elements made up of?
  11. What are the three sub-atomic particles that make up an atom?
    • proton
    • neutron
    • electron
  12. Where are the protons and neutrons found?
    In the nucleus of the atom
  13. What is the mass of protons and neutrons?
    1 a.m.u
  14. What is the mass of electrons?
    Less than 0 a.m.u
  15. Why are atoms neutral?
    As they contain the same number of positively charged protons and negatively charged neutrons
  16. What is the atomic number of an atom the same as?
    The number of protons in the atom
  17. What is the mass number of an atom the same as?
    The number of protons + the number of neutrons in the atom
  18. The mass is the _______ number?
  19. All elements in the same group have the same number of ________ in their outer energy level?
  20. Electron energy levels with 1 or 2 electrons are _______ in shape?
  21. Energy levels in a tetrahedral shape contain ______ or more electrons in their energy levels?
  22. What are isotopes?
    Atoms with the same atomic number but a different mass number
  23. What is the relative atomic mass of an element?
    The average mass of an atom based on the relative amounts of the different isotopes present
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Topic 3 - Atoms and the Periodic Table
Standard Grade Chemistry - Topic 3 - Atoms and the Periodic Table