Chapter 14 Science Voc

  1. a movement of ocean water that follows a regular pattern
    ocean current
  2. a horizontal movement of ocean water that is caused by wind and that occurs at or near the ocean's surface
    surface current
  3. the apparent curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to the Earth's rotation
    Coriolis Effect
  4. a streamlike movement of ocean water far below the surface
    deep current
  5. the movement of deep, cold, and nutrient-rich water to the surface
  6. a change in the water temperature in the pacific Ocean that produces a warm current
    El Nino
  7. a change in the eastern Pacific Ocean in which the surface water temperature becomes unusually cool
    La Nina
  8. a subsurface current that is near shore and that pulls objects out to sea
  9. a water current that travels near and parallel to the shoreline
    longshore current
  10. the bubbles in the crest of a breaking wave
  11. one of a group of long ocean waves that have steadily traveled a great distance from their point of generation
  12. a giant ocean wave that forms after a volcanic eruption, submarine earthquake, or landside
  13. a local rise in sea level near the shore that is caused by strong winds from a storm, such as those from a hurricane
    storm surge
  14. daily changes in the level of oceans. The periodic rise and fall of the water level in the oceans.
  15. the difference in levels of ocean water at high tide and low tide
    tidal range
  16. a tide of increased range that occurs two times a month, at the new and full moons
    spring tide
  17. a tide of minimum range that occurs during the first and third quarters of the moon
    neap tide
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Chapter 14 Science Voc
Chapter 14 Science Voc