Environmental Science #2

  1. In 1960, 60% & today 14% of the population of developing countries is considered _________ __________.
    In 1960, 60% & today 14% of the population of developing countries are considered chronically undernourished.
  2. Famines are:
    Famines are characterized by large-scale food shortages, massive starvation, social disruption, and economic chaos.
  3. __% of Americans are overweight, __% are obese.
    64% of Americans are overweight. 33% of are obese.
  4. Malnourishment is:
    a nutritional imbalance caused by a lack of specific dietary components or an inability to absorb or utilize essential nutrients.
  5. What are the 3 crops that deliver the majority of the needed nutrients to humanity?
    Wheat, Rice, and Corn.
  6. It takes more than _ kg of grain to produce 1 kg of beef.
    It takes more than 8 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of beef.
  7. One danger of Confined Animal Feeding Operations is:
  8. Farm subsidies benefit because they:
  9. Genetic engineering:
    removes DNA from one organism and splices it into the chromosomes of another. Produces genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with new traits.
  10. Soil is:
    a renewable resource that develops gradually through the weathering of rocks and the accumulation of organic material.
  11. List the 6 components of soil:
    • Sand and gravel
    • Silt and clay
    • Dead organic material
    • Soil fauna and flora
    • Water
    • Air
  12. One danger of Confined Animal Feeding Operations is:
  13. O Horizon is:
    Organic Layer

    Leaf litter, most soil organisms and partially decomposed organisms
  14. A Horizon is:
    Surface Soil

    Mineral particles mixed with organic material
  15. E Horizon is:
    Washed Out

    Depleted of soluble nutrients
  16. B Horizon is:

    Often dense texture from accumulating nutrients
  17. C Horizon is:
    Regolith - Parent Material

    Weathered rock fragments with little organic material
  18. How much soil can a farm lose to erosion per year?
    Every year, about 3 million hectares of cropland worldwide are made unusable by erosion and another 4 million hectares are converted to non-agricultural uses.
  19. What are the four types of pesticides?
    • Biocides - kills variety of living organisms
    • Herbicides - kills plants
    • Insecticides - kills insects
    • Fungicides - kills fungi
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Environmental Science #2
Study Guide for Exam #2