the process of moving air between the environment and the alveoli
define respiration
the process of gas exchange between the alveoli and pulmonary capillary blood
define transpulmonary pressure gradient
pressure difference btwn the alveoli and the plural pressure
define transairway pressure
the pressure difference between the alveoli and the entrance of the airway
define transthoracic pressure
the pressure difference btwn the alveoli and the body surface
what are the 3 pressure gradients responsible for gas movement and lung inflation?
trans: pulmonary, airway, thoracic
What 2 pressure gradients are the same?
Transairway and Transthoracic
why must pressure gradients exist?
for spontaneous ventilation to occur
what is pleural pressure at rest
What is the process of inspiration during NORMAL breathing
diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract > Ribcage lifts > volume of pleural space increases > (the increase in volume causes a decrease in pleural pressure per Boyle's Law) > Transpulmonary pressure gradient increases > alveoli expand and their volume increases > alveolar pressure becomes subatmospheric > transairway pressure gradient increases > air flows from the airway entrances to the alveoli until muscular effort ceases and the transairway pressure equalizes
process of expiration during NORMAL breathing?
Diaphragm relaxes and rib cage recoils > plueral space and volume decrease > pleural pressure increases > transpulmonary pressure gradiant narrows (lessens) > alveoli recoil > alveolar space decreases > alveolar pressure becomes supraatmospheric > transairway pressure gradient widens (increases) > air flows out of the lungs until back into the resting state (transairway pressure gradient equalizes)
what are the forces opposing ventilaion of the lung?
elastic forces ( tissue retraction, ST in alveoli, static forces nor affected by airflow) and non-elastic frictional forces (RAW and tissue movement during breathing)
define surface tension
tension created at the liquid air interface
define compliance
the measure of distendability of the lung
define elasticity
the ability of the lung to return to a normal shape after being stretched
how is ST produced?
by the cohesive forces of a liquid that attracts the polar liquid molecules away from the interface
What effect does ST have on the lungs?
draws them inward, causing them to recoil
how does the body combat ST
with surfactant
define surfactant
a phospholipid that places itself between the liquid molecules, causing a decrease in cohesive bonding
Is the surfactant layer thicker or thinner in a smaller SA than a greater SA? Why?
thicker to offset increase ST
What is lung complaince?
the measure of distendability of the lung
what is the formula for lung Compliance?
CL = dV/dP mL/cmH2O
V = tidal volume
P = transpulmonary pressure gradient
What is the compliance of the lungs and chest wall?
200 mL/cmH2O and 200 mL/cmH2O
what is the total compliance?
compliange of lung + compliance of thorax
what is the normal total compliance
100 mL/cmH2O
what effect does the pressure of surfactant in the alveoli have on compliance? Why?
increased (less ST so more stretching can be done)
what would happen to compliance in a lung that loses its elastic fibers?
what effect does increased compliance have on elasticity? why?
since the lungs would expand more easily by recoil with more difficulty the elasticity would decrease
what effect would decreased compliance have on elasticity? y?
causes the lungs to distend with difficculty so an increased elasticity